Category: Mammalian


You may think that only “humans” can build houses and develop the environment, but in fact, there are other creatures besides humans who can change the environment by their own power.
That’s what beavers are. An adorable beaver with a slightly goofy face and short limbs.
It is a popular character that is also the subject of anime movies, but the detailed ecology is not well known. Let’s take a closer look at how beavers live!


Translates to speaking of armadillos, they are animals that have an image of curling up their bodies to protect themselves. They endure attacks by curling up without counterattacking even if they are attacked by enemies. They have a lovely appearance, so you feel like protecting them.
The fact is that armadillos can be bred as pets. You will be captivated when you see them walking around in detail with small legs.
Let’s explore armadillos in detail!


Do you know aye-aye, a primitive monkey that lives only on the island of Madagascar?
By the way, a song was created in Japan under the title “aye-aye”, and as of 2023, it is still sung as a nursery rhyme.
Therefore, there are a certain number of people who have an image of aye-aye in Japan with a cute atmosphere.
However, in fact, on the island of Madagascar, where it lives, it is also an animal that is feared as the incarnation of the devil.
Let’s take a peek at what characteristics and interesting secrets aye-aye have in this article!

Scimitar-horned Oryx

Do you know the scimitar-horned oryx, a herbivore that once lived in Africa?
Scimitar-horned oryx is an animal characterized by a beautiful long horn that is slightly curved and stretched backwards.
They can be seen in some zoos, but they are also animals with a sad history of not being seen in the wild.
In this article, let’s take a peek at the characteristics and secrets of scimitar-horned oryx and its life together!

Ring-tailed Lemur

Do you know a ring-tailed lemur, a unique monkey with a fox-like face and a long black and white tail?
The ring-tailed lemur is one of the very primitive lemurs, living only on the African island of Madagascar.
Ring-tailed lemurs are relatively easy to meet if you go to the zoo. However, on the other hand, in the wild, the number is actually declining and it is on the verge of extinction.
In this article, let’s take a peek at the characteristics and secrets of the ring-tailed lemur and its life together!


Squirrels are cute with their busy acorn-carrying and fluffy tails!
They have a strong image of being cute, but do you really know about squirrels?
Let’s learn more about squirrels together!


Earth’s largest mammal whale!
Why are they mammals even though they live in the ocean? Do you know what mammals are?
Let’s take a look at these questions about whales together.


Kangaroos are cute when babies poke their heads out of their pouches.
It is characteristic that they run while bouncing on their hind legs. In contrast to the cute appearance of females, males have strong muscles.
The way males fight looks like they are boxing. Let’s take a closer look at kangaroos!


Hamsters are cute with their small bodies and cute way of stuffing food into their cheeks!
But did you know that hamsters are not only cute, but also surprisingly strong and energetic?
Let’s take a look at the surprising side of hamsters together!


When it comes to rhinoceroses, their large horns are their distinctive feature.
They are animals that can often be seen in zoos.
However, their numbers have been decreasing in recent years due to poaching and other factors.
Let’s take a closer look at what rhinoceroses are like.