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Kangaroos are cute when babies poke their heads out of their pouches. It is characteristic that they run while bouncing on their hind legs. In contrast to the cute appearance of females, males have strong muscles. The way males fight looks like they are boxing. Let’s take a closer look at kangaroos!

Kangaroo Basic Infomation


Largest species Red Kangaroo. 

Length:80~160cm 尻尾:66~100cm weight:male 80㎏ female 30㎏.

Many kangaroos live in a wide range of Australia, but the tree kangaroo lives in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. They prefer dry grasslands and semi-desert areas and live by eating leaves and buds.

Do you know how many types of kangaroos exist? Actually, it is said that there are about 65 species. It’s amazing how rich the variety is.

Let’s compare the largest and smallest species among the 65 species of kangaroos. The largest species is called the “red kangaroo” and can grow up to 160 cm. The smallest species is called the “musky rat-kangaroo” and can grow up to 15 cm. You can see that there is a big difference in size even among kangaroos.

Kangaroos are creatures that move in groups of 10 to 20 or more. Sometimes groups of up to 100 are formed. Since one male is made up of several females and children, the male is in a harem state.

During the breeding season, males fight each other to aim for the harem. The male who wins the fight can have the right to mate with several females.

Females give birth to babies about 33 days after becoming pregnant. The size of the baby is only about 2 cm. Since they are born with a very small body, there are parts that are not developed such as ears and eyes.

The newborn baby climbs up to the mother’s pouch on its own. The pouch is called the “marsupium”. The marsupium is made of strong material that can stretch and grow with the baby.

The baby grows by drinking milk in the marsupium for about 7-8 months, and gradually comes out more and more.

If you want to keep a rare animal, you may need to follow the laws established by the country. This time, I will introduce whether it is possible to keep a kangaroo at home in Japan. Since it is a rare species as a pet, you may be able to meet it by going to a store that sells exotic animals.

The average lifespan of a wallaby is said to be about 10-15 years. It’s about the same as a large dog.

The personality is very curious, but very wary and timid. It is said to be difficult for them to get attached to people.

It is important to take time and get used to the owner.

There are only four types of wallabies that can be kept in Japan.

・Tammar wallaby.  Length:42~68cm weight:2.6~9.9㎏ price:150,000 yen〜.

・Parma wallaby.  Length:45~53cm weight:3.5~6.0㎏ price:300,000 yen~.

・Tammar wallaby.  Length:50~70cm weight:7.0~10.0㎏ price:200,000~400,000 yen.

・Bennett's wallaby.  Length:100cm weight:15~27㎏ price:300,000 yen~.

There is no wallaby-specific food available for sale. Instead, please give them hay or pellets which are the staple food for rabbits. They also enjoy vegetables and fruits as a side dish.

There are two things to keep in mind when it comes to the living environment.

The first is to keep the indoor temperature between 25 and 32 degrees Celsius. Since they grew up in a warm environment like Australia, they need to be kept warm.

The second is that they need a large exercise space. Since they are creatures that jump, prepare a large dog cage or circle for them.

Although the number of hospitals that can see exotic animals is gradually increasing, there are still few of them.

Among them, there are even fewer veterinarians who can examine wallabies. It is also important to find an animal hospital before raising wallabies.

Kangaroo Q&A

Rare animals for pet breeding.

If you want to keep a rare animal, you may need to follow the laws established by the country. This time, I will introduce whether it is possible to keep a kangaroo at home in Japan. Since it is a rare species as a pet, you may be able to meet it by going to a store that sells exotic animals.

The average lifespan of a wallaby is said to be about 10-15 years. It’s about the same as a large dog.

The personality is very curious, but very wary and timid. It is said to be difficult for them to get attached to people.

It is important to take time and get used to the owner.

What kind of pet can I have?

There are only four types of wallabies that can be kept in Japan.

・Tammar wallaby.  Length:42~68cm weight:2.6~9.9㎏ price:150,000 yen〜.

・Parma wallaby.  Length:45~53cm weight:3.5~6.0㎏ price:300,000 yen~.

・Tammar wallaby.  Length:50~70cm weight:7.0~10.0㎏ price:200,000~400,000 yen.

・Bennett's wallaby.  Length:100cm weight:15~27㎏ price:300,000 yen~.

What should I give rice?

There is no wallaby-specific food available for sale. Instead, please give them hay or pellets which are the staple food for rabbits. They also enjoy vegetables and fruits as a side dish.

About the breeding environment.

There are two things to keep in mind when it comes to the living environment.

The first is to keep the indoor temperature between 25 and 32 degrees Celsius. Since they grew up in a warm environment like Australia, they need to be kept warm.

The second is that they need a large exercise space. Since they are creatures that jump, prepare a large dog cage or circle for them.

Other things to note.

Although the number of hospitals that can see exotic animals is gradually increasing, there are still few of them.

Among them, there are even fewer veterinarians who can examine wallabies. It is also important to find an animal hospital before raising wallabies.

Is there a difference between a kangaroo and a wallaby?

The difference between kangaroos and wallabies is related to “size”. Kangaroos are divided into three names depending on their body size.

【Small.】Wallabies are about 25 cm long and weigh an average of 25 kg or less. 【Medium.】The length of a wallaroo is about 75 cm. 【Large.】Kangaroos are about 115-160 cm long.

It’s surprising that the name changes depending on the size of the body. In Australia, all types are called “Roo”.

You may not have heard of the name “Wallaroo” much. The reason is that there are only three types of Wallaroo and there is little information about them. In Japan, there are many zoos that keep kangaroos and wallabies, but only four zoos keep Wallaroos. This number may be related to the low recognition of Wallaroos.

Why do kangaroos run like they bounce?

To run like bouncing, two parts of the body play a big role. Those two parts are the Achilles tendon of the foot and the large tail.

The Achilles tendon of a kangaroo is similar to that of a human, but kangaroos are more flexible and can use it like a spring. In addition, the large tail serves three roles as the “fifth leg”.

1)Support the body with the tail. 2)Lift the body when kicking. 3)Whip the tail to accelerate running speed.

Thus, by playing a big role with the Achilles tendon of the foot and the tail, kangaroos can run like bouncing over long distances and reach speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour.

Why do male kangaroo muscles strong?

Although kangaroos are herbivorous animals, their male muscles are strong. Humans need protein found in meat to build muscle, but have you ever wondered how kangaroos build muscle without eating meat?

Actually, they can produce “amino acids” in their bodies instead of protein. How do they produce amino acids in their bodies? They eat grass and the bacteria in their bodies break down the plants and ferment them to produce amino acids.

The male muscles developed strongly because the body evolved to produce energy from grass. Not only kangaroos but also cows and horses have strong muscles due to amino acids.

Why are kangaroos so short of gestation?

Animals that raise their young in pouches such as kangaroos and wallabies cannot create a placenta.

The role of the placenta is to send oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s body to the baby through the umbilical cord for growth. Because they do not have a placenta to perform this role, they cannot raise their babies in the uterus for long periods of time.

The newborns grow by drinking milk and receiving nutrients in the pouch. For kangaroos, milk plays the role of the placenta.

Do kangaroos have natural enemies?

Currently, there are few animals that are enemies of kangaroos. In the past, there was an animal called the thylacine (Tasmanian tiger), but it became extinct. There was also a wild dog called the dingo, but it is protected as an endangered species.

Due to the decrease in animals that are enemies of kangaroos, the environment has become more conducive to their growth. As a result, the number of kangaroos has increased and is said to be twice the population of Australia.

Why are kangaroos treated as "vermin"?

It is an animal that represents the country and is used in the national emblem and currency of Australia, but it is treated as a pest in some areas.

The reason for this is that it has increased to twice the population due to the lack of natural predators and has become harmful to humans. What specific things are causing harm to humans?

1)They damage crops and eat livestock’s water and food, which is grass. 2)There are more than 20,000 car-animal collisions annually, and 80% of them are said to be with kangaroos.

To balance the ecosystem, the government is monitoring the increase in kangaroo numbers and conducting extermination.

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Kangaroo Type of List

【Macropus genus.】

【Dendrolagus genus.】

【Dorcopsis genus.】

【Lagorchestes genus.】

【Lagostrophus genus.】

【Onychogalea genus.】

【Petrogale genus.】

【Setonix genus.】

【Thylogale genus.】

【Wallabia genus.】

  • Agile wallaby.
  • Antilopine kangaroo.
  • Woodward's wallaroo.
  • Wallaroo.
  • Black-striped wallaby.
  • Tammar wallaby.
  • Western grey kangaroo.
  • Eastern grey kangaroo.
  • Toolache wallaby.
  • Western brush wallaby.
  • Parma wallaby.
  • Pretty-faced wallaby.
  • Wallaroo.
  • Red-necked wallaby.
  • Red kangaroo.
  • Grizzled tree-kangaroo.
  • Lumholtz's tree-kangaroo.
  • Bennett's tree-kangaroo.
  • Huon tree-kangaroo.
  • Goodfellow's tree-kangaroo.
  • Doria's tree-kangaroo.
  • Tenkile.
  • Lowlands tree-kangaroo.
  • Ursine tree-kangaroo.
  • Dingiso.
  • Black dorcopsis.
  • White-striped dorcopsis.
  • Gray dorcopsis.
  • Brown dorcopsis.
  • Lake Mackay hare-wallaby.
  • Spectacled hare-wallaby.
  • Rufous hare-wallaby.
  • Eastern hare-wallaby.
  • Banded hare-wallaby.
  • Bridled nail-tail wallaby.
  • Crescent nail-tail wallaby.
  • Northern nail-tail wallaby.
  • Allied rock-wallaby.
  • Short-eared rock-wallaby.
  • Monjon.
  • Cape York rock-wallaby.
  • Nabarlek.
  • Godman's rock-wallaby.
  • Herbert's rock-wallaby.
  • Unadorned rock-wallaby.
  • Black-flanked rock-wallaby.
  • Mareeba rock-wallaby.
  • Brush-tailed rock-wallaby.
  • Proserpine rock-wallaby.
  • Purple-necked rock-wallaby.
  • Rothschild's rock-wallaby.
  • Mt. Claro rock-wallaby.
  • Yellow-footed rock-wallaby.
  • Quokka.
  • Tasmanian pademelon.
  • Brown's pademelon.
  • Dusky pademelon.
  • Calaby's pademelon.
  • Mountain pademelon.
  • Red-legged pademelon.
  • Red-necked pademelon.
  • Swamp wallaby.



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