Category: Common Name


Rhinoceros Hornbill

Do you know the strange bird called a rhinoceros hornbill that has a horn-like thing growing on its beak?
The rhinoceros hornbill is a bird that inhabits countries such as Thailand and Malaysia and is characterized by its large body and a horn-like protrusion growing on its beak.
The protrusion called a casque is very large, and many people say that once they see it, they cannot forget it.
Let’s take a look at the life of the mysterious bird, the rhinoceros hornbill, and its characteristics and secrets in this article!


Moles are animals that dig into the soil and live underground. They are well-known for their unusual habits and it is unlikely that many people are unaware of them.
However, since they spend most of their lives underground, many people have never seen them. For this reason, the ecology of moles is not well known except for their habit of digging into the soil.
So let’s take a look at the unknown ecology of moles together this time. Moles, who are carpenters in the animal kingdom, are actually engaged in fierce battles that humans do not know about.


When you hear the word “fish”, the shape that comes to mind is flat, streamlined “fish”. And as a fish that is completely different from its shape, there is a “seahorse”.
However, let’s take a look at the ecology of seahorses, which are difficult to pin down even if they are called fish.


The jellyfish that floats in the sea is very fantastic. However, many people should have been stung by jellyfish during swimming.
The jellyfish is a relatively familiar creature. Some people may not know much about its ecology despite its familiarity. So let’s take a look at the ecology of jellyfish together this time.
The jellyfish handled in this article are common moon jellyfish in Japan. Please note that unless otherwise stated, it refers to moon jellyfish.


Chinchillas are a type of cute mouse with fluffy hair and a big tail that live in the Andes Mountains of South America. Some people keep them as pets, so you may have seen them on SNS or TV.
However, there are many things that people don’t know about chinchillas, such as what their characteristics are and what to be careful about when keeping them as pets.
Let’s take a look at what kind of features and secrets chinchillas have in this article!


Do you know meerkats, animals that stand up on their hind legs and are cute?
They are bred in many zoos, so I’ve actually seen them! Many people may say.
While such meerkats are very family-oriented, they are also animals that have the nickname “desert gang” because of their rough temper.
Let’s take a sneak peek at what traits and secrets meerkat have in this article!


As the cold winter begins to come to an end and the season shifts to spring, what are the birds you can see in Japan?Yes, swallows! When you see swallows starting to build nests or busily flying in the sky, you can feel the change of seasons.
Why can such swallows be seen only from spring to summer in Japan? Wondering where the hell is going in the fall and winter?Let’s explore the wonders of swallows together!
The swallow covered in this article is the “barn swallow” commonly seen in Japan. Please note that unless otherwise stated, this barn swallow refers to this barn swallow. We will also introduce the contents based on the characteristics and ecology of your stay in Japan.


What is a creature that is rarely seen in Honshu in Japan, but is known as one of the famous animals in the south such as Okinawa? That’s right, mongooses!
It looks like a weasel and a little cute, but did you know that mongooses actually cause terrible things in some areas?
I hope this page will inspire you to think about how to deal with mongooses!
In this article, we will mainly introduce the characteristics and ecology of mongooses living in Japan as of 2020.


Do you know a creature called a platypus?
Many of you may have heard the name but never seen it.
The platypus lives only in Australia and is not bred in Japan zoos as it is an animal that is forbidden to trade. Therefore, it may be a less familiar animal.
The platypus looks interesting, but the ecology is also unique. Let’s explore such platypus in detail.


Skunks are famous for being smelly creatures that fart. Many people may not know much about their ecology and only have the impression of “farting”.
However, the smell that skunks emit is not exactly farting. If it’s not farting, what is the source of the bad smell? I’m very curious. Let’s explore what kind of ecology skunks have!