Category: It is the order of \”a,i,u,e,o\” in Japanese



Do you know the mysterious animal called babilsa, whose big canine teeth protrude from the skin of the upper chin?
Babilsa is said to be a species of wild boar that lives only in limited areas of Indonesia.
However, even people who have never seen them, and who do not know their names, once they see them, they have an unforgettable impact.
In this article, let’s take a look at what features and secrets babilsa has!

Bush Dog

Do you know the most primitive dog in the dog family?
They are called “bush dog” and are animals that live in Central and South America.
In addition, it is characterized by a body shape of long and short legs such as weasels and dachshunds.
Whether you know a bush dog or not, let’s take a look at what features and secrets they have in this article!


Do you know saiga, a herbivorous animal with a very distinctive large nose?
Saiga is a mysterious and powerful animal that has survived for tens of thousands of years in harsh environments by evolving in its own way.
However, despite having a distinctive face that you can’t forget once you see it, it is also an animal with very low recognition and very few people know about it.
In this article, let’s take a look at the characteristics and secrets of saiga, as well as its history and life!


Do you know a strange animal called binturong, which smells like popcorn?
Binturong is a kind of animal called civet, which lives in India and Southeast Asia.Some people have never heard of binturong, but it is also an animal with many hidden fans.
In this article, let’s take a look at what features and secrets binturong has and how it lives!

Fishing Cat

Do you know the fishing cat, a cat family animal that lives near the water and is good at “fishing”?
It’s the first time I’ve heard the name, but “Do cat family animals fish?” and “If it’s true, it would be interesting!” Many people may have thought so.
In this article, let’s take a peek at what kind of animal the fishing cat is and what characteristics and secrets it has!

Slow Loris

Do you know about an animal called Slow loris which moves very slowly?
Slow lorises are a species of cute-looking monkeys that live in tropical rainforests such as India and Indochina.
They are popular as pets in various countries due to their cute appearance.
In this article, we will take a look at what characteristics and secrets slow lorises have in their lives!


Do you know the impala, a herbivore that lives in Africa?
The impala is a species of medium-sized antelope known for its light and agile running.
However, since it is only kept in limited zoos, few people have actually seen it.
In this article, let’s take a look at the impala’s characteristics and secrets together!


Do you know a herbivore with the mysterious name of sitatunga?
The sitatunga is an interesting animal with white patterns that enter the whole body, twisted horns that grow only in males, and a body adapted to living by the water.
They are kept in various zoos, but some people may not have observed them closely because they thought they were deer.
In this article, let’s take a peek into its life together to find out what characteristics and secrets sitatunga has!


Do you know the pronghorn, a herbivore that lives mainly in North America?
Pronghorns are second fastest on land after cheetahs and can run as fast as 80km per hour.
However, since they are bred only in a limited number of zoos, many people may have heard the name for the first time.
Let’s take a peek into its life together to find out what features and secrets pronghorns have in this article!


Do you know the peccary, an animal similar to a wild boar that lives mainly in South America?
Peccaries look exactly like wild boars, but they are actually mysterious animals that are completely different from wild boars.
By the way, there is a character in the Japan whose motif is an ancient Ecuadorian clay figurine. The name is “peccary” and it is characterized by its resemblance to an animal peccary.
Let’s take a peek at the characteristics and secrets of peccary in this article!