Category: Starts with \”ka,ki,ku,ke,ko\” in Japanese

Black Swan

Did you know that there is a mysterious white swan with a completely black body?
The black swan, a species of swan with black plumage, inhabits Australia and New Zealand. At one point, they were thought to be an impossible creature and were even considered a symbol of futile effort.
Let’s take a closer look at the characteristics and secrets of these black swans and explore their way of life in this article.


A fox with fluffy fur and a large tail.Foxes have been familiar to humans for a long time, and in Japan case they are listed as one of the animals with various legends.
However, except in some areas, you don’t see real foxes very often. So, on this page, let’s take a sneak peek at what kind of ecology foxes are and what secrets they have.


Do you know the condor, a giant bird that lives in the Andes Mountains and grows up to 3m in size?
Even if you have never seen a condor in person, many of you may know the song “The Condor Goes Flying”.
The condor is considered a very sacred creature to the indigenous peoples of the Andes.
They are designated as national birds of Ecuador, Colombia, and Chile, and appear in Andean mythology.
Take a peek at the characteristics and secrets of the world’s largest flying bird, the condor, in this article!


The jellyfish that floats in the sea is very fantastic. However, many people should have been stung by jellyfish during swimming.
The jellyfish is a relatively familiar creature. Some people may not know much about its ecology despite its familiarity. So let’s take a look at the ecology of jellyfish together this time.
The jellyfish handled in this article are common moon jellyfish in Japan. Please note that unless otherwise stated, it refers to moon jellyfish.


Do you know a creature called a platypus?
Many of you may have heard the name but never seen it.
The platypus lives only in Australia and is not bred in Japan zoos as it is an animal that is forbidden to trade. Therefore, it may be a less familiar animal.
The platypus looks interesting, but the ecology is also unique. Let’s explore such platypus in detail.


Do you know an animal called an otter with a cute face that is a member of the weasel family?
Many people may have actually seen otters because they are often seen on social networking sites and TV programs, and because they are kept in many zoos and aquariums, and many people may like otters.
Let’s take a sneak peek at what characteristics and secrets otters have in this article!


Have you ever heard of coyotes, a canine animal that lives from north to central America?
Some people may know the name because it sometimes appears in animal programs and American anime works.
The coyote, with its look and face reminiscent of that of a wolf and a fox, is very adaptable and is still expanding its habitat, which is rare for a wild canidae.
Let’s take a sneak peek at what characteristics and secrets coyotes have in this article!


Suddenly, here’s a quiz. Who do you think is the bird with its bright blue body and magnificent feathers with eyeball-like patterns?
The answer is the secretly popular “Peafowl” that are often kept in zoos and schools.
However, if you think about it, you may have seen peafowls before, but you may not know much about their ecology and characteristics.
Let’s take a peek into the world of peafowls together in this article to find out what characteristics and secrets peacocks have!


Capybaras are rodent animals that are famous for their laid-back expressions and their love of hot springs.
Capybaras have very large bodies, but did you know that they are actually a member of the mouse family, just like guinea pigs and hamsters?
If you know the very interesting features of capybaras here and there on their bodies, you may enjoy looking at them more.
What are the characteristics and secrets of the capybara, which is said to be one of the largest rodents in the world? Let’s take a sneak peek!