Category: Starts with \”ha,hi,hu,he,ho\” in Japanese


Do you know the creature called “Kakapo,” also known as the “owl parrot”? It is said to be the only parrot in the world that cannot fly.
It’s strange that it’s a parrot but can’t fly. The Kakapo has many rare ecological characteristics. It is also an endangered species and is protected.
The Kakapo has a friendly personality and even shows courtship behavior towards humans. However, it is a difficult animal to see, so not many people know about it.
Let’s explore the charm of the Kakapo together!

Arctic Hare

Speaking of rabbits, they are small animals with adorable long ears and a rounded figure. There is a wide variety of rabbits, some with slightly unusual characteristics. arctic hares are one of them.
The long ears and round figure remain the same, but what is surprising is the long legs when standing up. At one point, it became a hot topic as “different from the rabbit I imagined”.
However, the loveliness unique to arctic hares seems to be addictive. Let’s take a look at its ecology!

Sugar Glider

Sugar Gliders are becoming increasingly popular as pets.
They have round eyes and a very cute face. Are Sugar Gliders the same as regular squirrels, which look similar? Actually, Sugar Gliders are part of the kangaroo and koala family.
These animals have the common feature of raising their young in a pouch in their stomachs.
Even if they look similar, they are not necessarily the same species.
This phenomenon is called “convergence” in biology.
Let’s explore more about Sugar Gliders together!

Masked Palm Civet

Do you know the masked palm civet, an animal that lives mainly in Southeast Asia?
Some of you may have actually seen it because it is bred not only in the wild but also in zoos.
In the case of Japan, such masked palm civet is treated as a vermin for various reasons, and it is also an animal that is subject to extermination.
In this article, let’s take a peek at the characteristics and secrets of masked palm civet and its life together!


Shoebill is famous as a “bird that does not move”. It is characterized by a large beak and crisp sharp eyes.
His personality is rough, but he also has a cute side that is spoiled by the keepers.
Because of the gap between its appearance and its appearance, some people become captivated by shoebills.
Let’s explore in detail together so that more people can know the charm of shoebill!


Hamsters are cute with their small bodies and cute way of stuffing food into their cheeks!
But did you know that hamsters are not only cute, but also surprisingly strong and energetic?
Let’s take a look at the surprising side of hamsters together!


When you think of reptiles, many people probably think of snakes.
It’s an animal that can easily be divided into likes and dislikes. Recently, the number of people who keep them as pets is also increasing. Let’s explore what kind of charm snakes have!


Bees are insects that can produce sweet and delicious honey, but they can also drive people to death with their small bodies!
Are bees allies or enemies to humans? Do all bees have the power to kill humans?
How much do you know about bees, the little insects?

Polar Bear

Do you know one species of bear, polar bear, characterized by its large white body?
Polar bears are often seen in zoos and TV programs, and they are also motifs for various characters, so I like polar bears! Many people may say.
The body of such a polar bear hides many interesting secrets for survival in the very cold Arctic.
Let’s take a peek at what characteristics and secrets polar bears have in this article!


Sometimes it quietly swims on the lake, and sometimes it is a famous bird that appears in fairy tales… There is even ballet music called Swan Lake, so many people think that its personality is quiet and gentle.
It is certainly a beautiful bird in appearance, but it is a mysterious bird that hides an unexpected personality.
If you look at this page, you may change your image of swans a little!