Category: Starts with \”a,i,u,e,o\” in Japanese


The orangutans that live in Indonesia are primate animals, just like us humans.
They are extremely intelligent and are known for having interesting traits not found in other apes.
They are also kept in zoos in Japan, but there may be a few people who have observed them carefully because they do not make very flashy movements.
In this article, we’ll take a peek together to see what characteristics orangutans have and what interesting secrets they have!


Do you know the iguana, a large lizard that looks like a dinosaur that lives mainly in South America?
Since they have appeared on TV programs and SNS and are bred in zoos, many people may have seen them.
While iguanas are popular as pets, they are often abandoned because they can no longer be tamed.
Let’s find out together what characteristics and secrets iguanas have in this article!

Fur Seal

Do you know a marine mammal called a fur seal, which resembles a sea lion?
Sometimes they are bred in aquariums, but some people may not be aware of their existence because they are similar to sea lions.
Such fur seals are animals that can be seen in various countries today, but they are actually animals that have been involved in a very sad event in the Japan.
Let’s take a peek at what characteristics and secrets fur seals have in this article!

Clouded Leopard

Clouded leopard is a member of the felidae that lives in a wide area of Asia, and is about the size of a medium-sized dog.
It does not live in Japan and is only bred in some zoos, so few people have actually seen it.
Clouded leopard, which is characterized by its very long fangs, may possibly be a survivor of the saber tiger? This is an animal that is rumored to be.
Let’s take a peek together in this article to see what characteristics and secrets clouded leopard has!


What would you say if asked, “What animals have been living together with humans since ancient times? What would you say?
The answer to this question…Yes, the canine, which is a very familiar animal to us.
Dogs are often seen not only when walking around town, but also on TV, social networking sites, and other media, but surprisingly, many people may not know much about their history and background.
In this article, we’ll take a look at what characteristics and secrets canines have and how they live together!


Have you ever heard of Okapi, one of the world’s three most rare animals?
Okapi has a zebra-like stripe pattern, but it is actually a mysterious animal called a member of the giraffe family.
Okapi is an interesting animal that has only been discovered for about 100 years, and there are still many things we don’t understand.
Let’s take a sneak peek at what features and secrets Okapi has in this article!


The wolf is the largest and strongest of the canines, and is a representative of the canine family.
In addition to its cool appearance, wolves have a somewhat mysterious atmosphere, such as howling, which is not seen in other animals, and have been used as a motif for various stories and characters since ancient times.
Whether you have an image of wolves as cool or, conversely, as vicious and scary, knowing the characteristics and history of wolves may change the image you have of them.
Now let’s take a sneak peek at what kind of characteristics and secrets wolves have!