Category: Starts with \\\”ta,ti,tsu,te,to\\\” in Japanese

Tasmanian Devil

This is the Tasmanian devil, which is famous in Australia for its cute appearance! Some people may have never heard of it before because it is not often seen in Japan. However, there are some surprising secrets hidden in its small body. I hope that this page will make you want to meet a Tasmanian devil at least once! I would be happy if you feel that way.

Steller Sea Lion

Many of you may have seen it at an aquarium once! Yes, it’s a steller sea lion!
They are very interesting animals that entertain us with their tricks during shows.
However, did you know that they have a complicated relationship with humans behind the scenes?
I hope this page will make you more interested in steller sea lions!


Hawks and eagles are called the kings of the sky because their flying posture is so elegant that everyone is captivated.
For humans who cannot fly, birds are often treated as symbols of freedom, and raptors such as hawks are particularly attractive because of their strength. Their appearance of attacking from the sky with strong claws and beaks is truly that of a hunter.
What kind of life do hawks usually lead? Let’s take a look at the ecology of hawks together.


Do you know how many kinds of lizards exist?
Actually, there are said to be more than 4000 species of lizards. You will be surprised by the large number of them! And the charm of lizards is their “individuality”.
Their size, face, body shape, features, and skin texture vary greatly depending on the type of lizard.
Perhaps because of their rich individuality, lizards are popular as pets. Let’s explore more about lizards!


When you hear the word “fish”, the shape that comes to mind is flat, streamlined “fish”. And as a fish that is completely different from its shape, there is a “seahorse”.
However, let’s take a look at the ecology of seahorses, which are difficult to pin down even if they are called fish.


Chinchillas are a type of cute mouse with fluffy hair and a big tail that live in the Andes Mountains of South America. Some people keep them as pets, so you may have seen them on SNS or TV.
However, there are many things that people don’t know about chinchillas, such as what their characteristics are and what to be careful about when keeping them as pets.
Let’s take a look at what kind of features and secrets chinchillas have in this article!


As the cold winter begins to come to an end and the season shifts to spring, what are the birds you can see in Japan?Yes, swallows! When you see swallows starting to build nests or busily flying in the sky, you can feel the change of seasons.
Why can such swallows be seen only from spring to summer in Japan? Wondering where the hell is going in the fall and winter?Let’s explore the wonders of swallows together!
The swallow covered in this article is the “barn swallow” commonly seen in Japan. Please note that unless otherwise stated, this barn swallow refers to this barn swallow. We will also introduce the contents based on the characteristics and ecology of your stay in Japan.


Chimpanzees are primate animals, just like us humans.
Chimpanzees are sometimes referred to as “evolutionary neighbors” because they come from the same ancestors as us and are the closest to humans.
Chimpanzees are very smart and are known to use tools and mimic the actions of humans and their peers.
However, if you think about its ecology and what its characteristics are, you may be surprised to find that there are many things you don’t know.
In this article, we’ll take a peek into the world of chimpanzees to see what their characteristics and secrets are!


Cheetahs are a member of the feline family, famous for being the “fastest running creatures in the world.
Its maximum speed is said to be as high as 110 kilometers per hour, but why can Cheetahs run so fast?
Once you learn the secrets of a cheetah’s body and speed, you may enjoy watching cheetahs at the zoo.
Now let’s take a sneak peek at what characteristics and secrets cheetahs have!


A tiger with a distinctive stripe pattern is also known as the “king of the jungle. Tigers are one of the most popular animals because they are strong and good-looking.
Did you know that such tigers actually have an unexpected side to them that they are not very good at hunting? Let’s take a sneak peek at what traits and secrets tigers have!