We Want to Protect the Future for Our Children

We wish to weave the future of our Mother Earth, the planet
Our planet Earth is a magnificent place, filled with vast landscapes, forests that offer a fresh, breathtaking scent of trees, and oceans that provide us with various benefits, including a variety of fish. It's a miracle woven by diverse ecosystems, and we aim to continue passing this miracle onto the future by sharing information.
We Want to Create What Doesn’t Yet Exist as Normal

Creating an environment where even those uninterested can learn
Our project aims to express everything interesting about all animals, making their characteristics and nature understandable to everyone, and creating an environment where anyone can learn about them.
We Also Want to Learn from Animals

Living is about protecting others
Humans, considered at the top of the animal kingdom due to our vast amount of information and knowledge, still have much to learn from other animals.
We Want to Live in a World Where We Can Do What We Love

We all love animals
The project of The, which aims to introduce animals from all over the world, might be your chance to turn your passion into your profession.
Ultimately, If You Enjoy, That’s All That Matters

Let's find something interesting in The!
Thank you for reading thus far. While we have outlined four philosophies, let us explain the most important one as the fifth.