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Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhound

In Japan, it is often abbreviated as 'Ita-gure,' but many may not be able to picture it. Let's take a look at the noble Italian Greyhound with its dignified and beautiful appearance!

Italian Greyhound Basic Infomation

原産国 イタリア

大きさ 体高:32〜38cm  体重:5kg以下










Italian Greyhound Q&A

Italian Greyhound
How long have Italian Greyhounds been around?

Italian Greyhounds are said to be a smaller version of the breed known as 'Greyhounds'.

Greyhounds have been depicted in ancient Egyptian murals and have lived closely with humans since ancient times. You might recall seeing dogs depicted in those murals.

Similar dogs to the Italian Greyhound have been identified from ancient Egyptian pharaohs' tombs and Roman ruins. Both Greyhounds and Italian Greyhounds have been beloved for unimaginably long times.

Italian Greyhounds spread from Egypt to Turkey and Greece and reached Italy around the 5th century BC. They were particularly loved by Italian royalty and nobility, and by the 16th and 17th centuries, they began to appear in paintings and artworks.

They were introduced to England in the 17th century and were loved by the upper class there too. However, due to their sensitivity to cold, the Italian climate didn't suit them well, making it difficult for common households to keep them.

Knowing that they have been loved and lived with humans for so long makes the Italian Greyhound feel even closer to us.

Italian Greyhound
Is it true that Italian Greyhounds once disappeared?

In the late 18th century, the Italian Greyhound was bred to be even smaller, which made their bodies weaker. Additionally, wars began, destabilizing the breeding conditions of the upper classes that owned them, and their vulnerability to climate changes led to a decline in their numbers.

What saved them from extinction were Italian Greyhounds that had been taken to America. These, along with those that remained in England, were crossbred to revive the breed!

Beloved by humans, the Italian Greyhound was driven to the brink by human wars and breeding practices. This is still true today, but when we choose to make a dog part of our family, it's important to think carefully and ensure they can live happily until the end.

Italian Greyhound
What is the origin of the Italian Greyhound's name?

One theory is that it comes from being a 'Greyhound from Italy,' but given their history, this might not be very credible.

The origin of the ancestor Greyhound's name is also unclear.

There are three theories:

1. 'graius' or 'gracillius': Greek or Latin for 'slim'

2. 'grech' or 'greg': Old English for 'hunter' or 'dog'

3. 'gher-': Proto-Indo-European for 'shining' or 'excellent'

These are speculative origins of the name, but the true origins of both the Italian Greyhound and the Greyhound remain unknown.

Italian Greyhound
What is the temperament of the Italian Greyhound?

They are generally calm and have a good temperament. Although they are technically hunting dogs, they are shy and delicate by nature, which makes them very gentle and suitable for family life.

They are affectionate and bond well with their families, though they can be shy around strangers. Because they are sensitive and nervous, they need to be treated with love and care.

They also love to play, and as they rarely bark unnecessarily, it's important to play with them both indoors and outdoors to prevent them from feeling stressed.

Italian Greyhound
Are there personality differences between male and female Italian Greyhounds?

While we have discussed the general temperament, Italian Greyhounds can show different personalities based on gender.

Males have a strong territorial instinct and may attack strangers entering their territory. However, this is a sign of their strong protective instinct towards their family. They are suitable as guard dogs.

Females tend to be more independent, which can sometimes come off as stubborn. They are usually quiet, but they can become aggressive suddenly, so be cautious.

Italian Greyhound
How do you care for an Italian Greyhound?

Italian Greyhounds are bright and gentle, making them relatively easy to train. They get along well with children and other dogs, but their delicate nature means they can easily become stressed, which can lead to illness. Care should be taken when they interact with children and other pets.

They have short hair and shed little, so grooming is easy. A wipedown with a firmly wrung towel is usually sufficient. Overbathing can strip their skin of essential oils, so if you do bathe them, do it no more than once a month. Use a dryer in seasons other than winter.

They are very sensitive to cold, so they should be dressed appropriately for the weather. While it's fashionable, choosing clothes is also important for their health.

Their heads are small, so using a collar alone might not be secure. A harness that applies pressure to the chest and neck is better. There are also arm-only harnesses available, but these may not be secure due to their narrow chest width. Make sure to research before buying a harness.

As hunting dogs, they require a fair amount of exercise. Daily walks of 1.5 to 2 km are necessary, but during extreme weather, limit outdoor activities and let them play indoors.

Their bones are fine, so obesity can put undue stress on their joints and lead to fractures. Exercise is essential to maintain their health.

Feed them a balanced diet with commercially available dog food labeled as 'complete nutrition.' This type of food is formulated to provide all the necessary nutrients with just food and water. Choose the food that fits your dog's age and dietary needs, like 'puppy,' 'adult,' 'senior,' or 'weight management.' While homemade food allows you to know exactly what they are eating and can feel more loving, it's hard to maintain a balanced diet, so supplements might be needed.

Italian Greyhound
What coat colors do Italian Greyhounds have?

They come in colors like gray, blue (light gray), fawn, red (reddish-brown), cream, white, and black. Some may have white markings on their chest.

Italian Greyhound
What are some health issues to watch for in Italian Greyhounds?

It's frightening when a family member gets sick. Knowing the potential diseases they can contract allows us to take preventative measures.

[CDA (Color Dilution Alopecia)]: This condition is seen in Italian Greyhounds with blue (light gray) coats. It can lead to thin hair or patchy hair growth. There's no danger to their life or pain from this condition, but it's a genetic disease, so keep them clothed to protect their skin, not just in winter but year-round.

[Pattern Baldness]: Another type of alopecia, this one can cause bald patches on the ears, nose, neck, chest, belly, tail base, and the roots of the legs. The skin in bald spots may darken, but this condition isn't life-threatening either.

[Fractures]: Despite their light body weight and high activity levels, their bones are fragile, and even a simple jump from a bench can cause fractures. Make sure they exercise on safe surfaces and build muscle to protect their bones from an early age.

[Patellar Luxation]: Also known as 'patella,' this is a condition where the kneecap on the hind legs slides out of place. If your dog starts refusing to walk or holds up a leg while walking on three legs, consider this condition. It can be hereditary or due to injury, but it's treatable with medication or surgery.

[Glaucoma]: A condition more common in older Italian Greyhounds, it involves increased intraocular pressure that can lead to blindness. There's no prevention, so early detection and treatment are crucial. By the time it's noticed, it might already lead to blindness, so be vigilant.

[Periodontal Disease]: Caused by bacteria in plaque, it can lead to inflammation not just in the gums but also the ligaments and bones around the teeth. If severe, the bacteria can spread and affect organs throughout the body. Brush their teeth after meals to prevent this.

[Epilepsy]: This condition can suddenly cause full-body spasms and cognitive issues. The treatment varies depending on the cause, so thorough testing is necessary. Preventing epilepsy is challenging, as it can be triggered by stress or intense stimuli. Managing their environment to avoid these triggers is crucial.

Italian Greyhound
What is the lifespan of an Italian Greyhound?

They typically live around 13 years, which is similar to other breeds of their size. Some have been known to live up to 20 years with proper care.

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  • Italian Greyhound



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