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The wildcat, a creature bearing a resemblance to the domestic cat, yet with a wild glint in its eyes. They live secluded lives across a vast territory spanning Europe, Africa, and Asia. Let's unravel the secrets of the wildcat, exploring their ecology, the environment they inhabit, and their relationship with humans.

Wildcat Basic Infomation

Vernacular NamesWildcat
HabitatsForests, deserts, and grasslands of Europe, Africa, and Asia
Taxonomic StatusSPECIES
Conservation StatusLeast Concern (LC)
Scientific NameFelis silvestris


They are about 20 to 31 inches (50 to 80 centimeters) long and weigh about 6.6 to 17.6 pounds (3 to 8 kilograms). They are slightly larger and more robust than domestic cats. Males tend to be larger than females.


They live for about 10 years in the wild and can live for over 15 years in captivity.


They are widely distributed across Europe, Africa, and Asia. They are adaptable to a variety of environments, including forests, deserts, and grasslands.

Wildcat Q&A

What kind of cat is the wildcat?

The wildcat is the ancestor of the domestic cat.

They are similar in appearance to domestic cats, but are larger, stockier, have longer legs and thicker tails. Their fur is also thicker, denser, and darker in color than that of domestic cats, an adaptation to their harsher natural environment. Wildcats are solitary animals with a strong sense of territory, which they mark with urine and claw marks. They are nocturnal, resting in the shade of trees or among rocks during the day, and becoming active at night to hunt. They are skilled hunters, preying on rodents, rabbits, and birds. They are also adept climbers.

Are wildcats different from domestic cats?

While wildcats are the ancestors of domestic cats, they are a different species.

Wildcats are larger, stockier, have longer legs, and thicker tails than domestic cats. Their fur is also thicker, denser, and darker in color. Additionally, wildcats have larger skulls, smaller ears, and sharper eyes than domestic cats. While wildcats and domestic cats can interbreed, their offspring are infertile because they are genetically distinct species.

What do wildcats eat?

Wildcats are carnivores, and their diet consists mainly of rodents, rabbits, and birds.

They are skilled hunters, stalking their prey and pouncing with a sudden burst of speed. They use their sharp teeth and claws to kill their prey. They are also adept at climbing trees, where they may catch birds or squirrels. They may also eat fish, frogs, and insects. They are also known to eat fruits and nuts.

[Quiz!] Can wildcats be domesticated?

It is difficult to domesticate wildcats because they are wild animals.

They are afraid of humans and tend to avoid contact. They are also territorial and may become aggressive if humans enter their territory. Wildcats are not pets. We need to respect them as wild animals and avoid disturbing their lives.

[Quiz!] Are wildcats endangered?

The wildcat is listed as 'Least Concern' (LC) on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List.

This means that they are not currently endangered. However, their numbers are declining in some areas due to habitat loss and hunting. It is crucial to protect their habitat and regulate hunting to conserve wildcat populations. We also need to raise awareness about their situation and take action to protect them.

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Wildcat Type of List

Subspecies of Wildcats

  • European Wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris)
  • African Wildcat (Felis silvestris lybica)
  • Asian Wildcat (Felis silvestris ornata)

Do you know the bobcat, a feline with a short tail for its body? Bobcat is a member of the wildcat family that lives in North America, and its body size is two to three times that of pet cats. While many animals are worried about extinction, they are also strong animals that are still thought to be increasing their population. Let's take a peek into the life of a bobcat in this article to find out what features and secrets it has!

Fishing Cat
Fishing Cat

Do you know the fishing cat, a cat family animal that lives near the water and is good at "fishing"? It's the first time I've heard the name, but "Do cat family animals fish?" and "If it's true, it would be interesting!" Many people may have thought so. In this article, let's take a peek at what kind of animal the fishing cat is and what characteristics and secrets it has!


Do you know jaguarundi, a feline that looks like a weasel or otter? Jaguarundi is not as well-known as cheetahs and tigers, even though they are of the same feline family, so many people may have heard the name for the first time. Jaguarundi, which lives in South America, is a mysterious animal that has the habits of weasel and cat. In this article, let's take a peek at jaguarundi's life together to find out what traits and secrets it has!

Pallas's Cat
Pallas's Cat

Have you ever heard of a animal called a pallas's cat, which is characterized by its fluffy fur and stubby body shape? Since they are only kept in a limited number of zoos, some people may have heard of the pallas's cat for the first time, and not many people may have actually met the real thing. The pallas's cat, also known as the "world's oldest cat," is a very interesting animal that adapts to living in an environment that can sometimes reach minus 50°C. Let's take a peek together in this article to see what characteristics and secrets the pallas's cat has!

Sand Cat
Sand Cat

What is the cute animal that is also known as the "Angel of the Desert"? That's right, it's a sand cat! In 2020, the birth of Japan's first baby made headlines. I think many people became interested in the sand cat after seeing its cute appearance. However, sand cat is not just cute; it has various problems hidden behind it. I would be happy if this page could help you deepen your thoughts about sand cat!

Tsushima Leopard Cat
Tsushima Leopard Cat

The Tsushima leopard cat is a unique species of wild cat found only on Tsushima Island in Japan. This article provides a detailed look at the characteristics, ecology, and conservation efforts for the Tsushima leopard cat. Let's explore together!



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