

When you think of spiders, you might think of the creatures that inspired ‘Spider-Man’.
Spider-Man is cool and popular.
But many people are afraid of real spiders.
They have eight legs and a strange shape, so you don’t want to get close to them.
Spider webs are also annoying, and cleaning them is hard.
But spiders eat pests like cockroaches.
What kind of animals are spiders?
Let’s find out together!



~ Basic information. ~


Largest species Goliath birdeater Length : about 10㎝ Weight : about 175g.
Smallest species Patu digua    Length : about 0.5-2㎜ Weight : not clear.

Spiders live widely all over the world.
There are 40,000 species of spiders in the world, and about 1,200 of them live in Japan.
That’s quite a lot of species just in Japan.

The habitats of spiders can be divided into three groups.

1)Web-building spiders.
The kind that use silk to make webs on human houses or plants.


2)Wandering spiders.
The kind that move around and live temporarily on plant leaves, fallen leaves, or under rocks.


3)Burrowing spiders.
The kind that dig holes and live in the soil.


I used to think that spiders make webs using silk.
But I learned that not all spiders make webs with silk.

Did you know that mating is a life-or-death situation for male spiders?
Spiders tend to have larger females than males.
And female spiders are aggressive.
So if the male makes a mistake in approaching the female, he might be mistaken for food and eaten.
Females are much stronger animals.

Most animals mate by copulating.
But spiders do it by a method called coupling.
They use a part called pedipalps, which look like antennae on the male’s head.
They store sperm in their pedipalps and insert them into the female’s reproductive organ.
When coupling is over, the male removes his pedipalps and plugs the female’s reproductive organ.
This behavior is to make sure that his offspring are left by preventing other males from mating with her.
The male loses his pedipalps, so he can never couple again.

Some spiders have different ways of dealing with the aftermath of coupling.
For example, the spider called ‘Larinia argiopiformis’ does something surprising.

The male of this spider destroys the female’s reproductive organ after coupling.
The reason is to prevent other males from mating with her.
The previous male sacrificed his pedipalps, but this spider sacrifices the female’s body instead.
You can tell that the male is desperate to leave his offspring.

Not all males can make it to coupling.
Spiders have stronger females, so sometimes they are eaten before they can couple.
The male cannot afford to die before coupling.
So he waits for a safe timing to approach the female.

There are two timings when the male can approach the female.
1)Right after she finishes molting.
Molting consumes a lot of energy, so the female’s movement is slower than usual right after molting.
When the female’s movement is slow, it means that there is a high chance of escaping without being caught after coupling.

2)When she is eating prey.
The female has a strong appetite, so she gets absorbed in eating her prey.
When the female is distracted by her prey, there is enough time to finish coupling and run away.

For the male, coupling is a life-or-death situation, so timing is important.
Some male spiders even tie up the female with silk to make coupling safer.


How do female spiders lay eggs and raise their young after successful coupling?
Not all spiders do the same thing.
There are big differences in where they lay eggs and how they take care of their young depending on the type of spider.
I can’t tell you everything, but I’ll explain five types.

1)The type that dies while protecting their eggs.
They choose a place where rain doesn’t fall and lay eggs and cover them with silk.
The mother spider tries to protect them by covering them like a blanket.
But the mother spider can’t survive the winter and dies of exhaustion.

This type of spider includes the ‘Golden silk spider’, which is often seen in Japan.
It’s sad that they can’t see their children grow up.

2)The type that watches over their children until they grow up.
They lay eggs on the back of plant leaves and cover them with silk to protect them.
The children eat the leftovers of the mother spider after they hatch and grow up.
And the mother spider keeps watching over them until they can stand on their own.

3)The type that moves around with their eggs.
They lay eggs and cover them with silk, then carry them in their mouth or attach them to their abdomen.
After they hatch, some mother spiders watch over them until they can stand on their own, while others keep moving with their children on their back.

4)The type that is eaten by their children.
They lay eggs on the back of plant leaves and wrap them with silk.
The mother spider lives with them until they finish their first molt after hatching.
The mother spider’s role is not only to raise them, but also to play an important role that is still left.
That role is to become the ‘food’ for the children who have finished molting and be eaten by them.
Maybe becoming the nourishment for their growth is also a kind of love from the mother spider.

5)The type that takes care of their children while giving them milk.
After the children hatch, the mother spider feeds them with a liquid that is secreted from her body.
The liquid is actually ‘milk’. Spider milk contains four times more protein than cow’s milk.
Maybe they like the milk so much that they take longer to stand on their own than other spiders.

This type of spider is very rare and was announced in 2018 by a Chinese study.
It is a species of jumping spider called ‘Toxeus magnus’.


You have learned that there are big differences in how spiders lay eggs and raise their young depending on the type of spider.
Not all types of spiders have been studied yet, so there may be new discoveries in the future.

Maniac kind of pet.

When you keep rare animals, you may need to follow the laws set by the country. This time, we will introduce whether you can keep spiders at home in Japan.

Spiders have a unique style that combines beauty and strength.
Some people are captivated by the sight of such spiders. Spiders are not recommended to touch, but you can keep them as ornamental pets.
Let’s find out how to keep them together!

What types of spiders can be bred?


The only spiders that you can keep are all types of ‘tarantulas’.
The name tarantula is famous, so many people may have heard of it.

Tarantulas are basically gentle and do not attack on their own.
However, there is a possibility of being attacked if you do something that the spider dislikes.
The list of tarantulas that can be kept is as follows.

・Mexican Red Knee Tarantula.
・Chilean rose tarantula.
・Brazilian Black Tarantula.
・Santerem Pink-haired.
・Gooty sapphire ornamental.
・Goliath birdeater.
・Usambara baboon.
・Malay Earth Tiger.

What should I feed them?

Please feed them with insects that are sold at pet shops and other places.
There are three types of insects that are commonly sold.


Insects are sold by size, so you may wonder which size to buy.
There is a rule of thumb that you should remember.
That is, check the size of the spider you are keeping and choose an insect that is about one-third of its size.
Spiders also grow as you keep them, so change the size of the insects accordingly.

The feeding frequency is about twice a week.
The amount of food should be given while checking that there is no leftover.

About the breeding environment.


・Breeding case.
Choose a case that is about three times the size of the spider you are keeping.

Please spread a substrate such as coconut husk on the case.

・Water dish.
Tarantulas consume a lot of water, so please provide them with one.
It is recommended to use a dish for reptiles so that they do not spill water.

It is not necessarily required, but they may be happy if you provide them with a natural environment as they usually live in hiding.

・Panel heater.
Use a panel heater to warm them up in the cold winter season.

Tarantulas prefer a temperature of about 25 to 28 degrees Celsius, so check with a thermometer to keep them comfortable.

There are three points to keep in mind when breeding.

1)Let’s take measures to prevent the spider from escaping.
Some spiders are very fast-moving.
When you open the lid to clean the case or feed them, they may escape quickly.
It is hard to find and catch them if they escape.
To prevent that, you need to take precautions such as choosing the size of the case or keeping them in a room with few objects.

2)Be careful not to drop the spider.
Spiders are surprisingly delicate creatures.
If they escape and fall from a high place, they will die.
You may be surprised because they seem to be able to land well.
Some spiders die from such accidents, so please lower the case and open it at a low position when you take care of them.

3)Be careful of the spider’s venom when you interact with it.
Most types of tarantulas have very weak venom.
How weak is it?
Even if you touch their urticating hairs or get bitten, the swelling will subside in a few days.
But that does not mean you can touch tarantulas just because their venom is weak.
That’s because even if the spider’s venom is weak, there is a possibility of an allergic reaction.
In fact, some people have died from anaphylactic shock.
You never know when an allergic reaction will occur.
Let’s keep them with caution of the spider’s venom.

Spider’s Q&A.

Where does the spider get its name?


They are called “Spider” in English, but in Japanese they are called “kumo”.
This time, we will introduce why they are called kumo in Japanese and the origin of the name.

There are many theories about the origin of the name kumo.

・A theory that it became kumo from the sound change of the part “kumu”, which means “to make a nest”.
・A theory that it became kumo from the sound change of the part “komoru”, which means “to hide in a nest”.
・A theory that they were called “sukumimori”, which means “nest-making insect”, and the word kumo was created from its pronunciation.

The origin of the name is all related to the spider’s “nest”.
Maybe there were many web-building spiders in the past.

Spiders are written as “蜘蛛” in kanji.
This kanji is used because in China they write spider as “蜘蛛(chichu)”. In Japan, it became established by using the kanji as it is.
We will also explain the meaning of the kanji.

・蜘→虫+知 “知” means smart or intelligent.
・蛛→虫+朱 “朱” means to suck the red blood of the captured insect.

Why do spiders live there?


Spider habitats are divided into three groups.
The difference in their habitats also affects how they capture their prey.

1)Web-building spiders.
They can catch creatures by making them stick to their nests made of silk.
Therefore, they choose places where there are many prey to make their webs.

By the way, if they make their webs in the same place even if you destroy them, there may be many insects living there.
They will not move as long as there is food, so it is faster to get rid of the spiders by exterminating the insects first.

2)Wandering spiders.
They are spiders that do not stay in one place because they move around looking for food.
The places they use as temporary habitats are under leaves or stones.
They not only hide themselves, but also find prey hiding in such places.

3)Burrowing spiders.
They dig holes in the ground and make burrows.
Their method of capturing prey is to set up sensor threads near their nests so that they can tell when a creature approaches.
When the sensor reacts, they go to catch the prey and paralyze it with venom before delivering the final blow.
If they eat a large prey, they can go without eating for a month.

What do spiders eat?

Wild spiders eat insects and small reptiles.
The types of insects they can catch are different depending on whether they make webs or wander around.

In the case of web-making spiders, they do not go to get their prey themselves, but wait for them to get stuck in their webs.
Therefore, they can eat flying insects such as flies, butterflies, and moths.

In the case of wandering spiders, they have to walk around and capture their prey themselves.
It is difficult to catch flying insects, but they can catch insects such as cockroaches and reptiles such as small frogs.

In the case of large spiders, they sometimes eat bird chicks or baby mice.


How are cobwebs made?

Spiders use the silk they make themselves to make webs.
There are different types of silk they can produce, and some spiders can use up to six different types of silk.
They use two types of silk to make webs.
The difference between the two types of silk is whether they are sticky or not.

The silk that radiates from the center is called “vertical silk” and uses non-sticky silk.
The role of vertical silk is to provide a foothold for the spider to move.


The silk that is stretched in a circular shape against the vertical silk is called “horizontal silk” and uses sticky silk.
The role of horizontal silk is to catch and hold prey with sticky silk.

In the center of the web, there is only vertical silk and no horizontal silk.
The reason for this is that it is a space for the spider, the owner of the web.
Since it is not a place to catch prey, horizontal silk is not necessary.

The pattern of the web varies depending on the type of spider and has its own personality.
If you spray water on the web with a mist, the pattern becomes easier to see and the difference becomes clearer.
If you are interested, please compare them.


What kind of creatures are natural enemies of spiders?

Spiders have many natural enemies that live close to us.
Among them, the most dangerous for spiders are “wasps”.
They are formidable enemies not only for small spiders, but also for large spiders like tarantulas.

The reason why wasps are dangerous is because their attack method is terrifying.
That method is to lay eggs on spiders and parasitize them.
When the wasp eggs hatch, the larvae eat the spider’s body from the inside.
They attack in the same way even if the opponent is a tarantula. It is scary to think that they are attacked from the inside.

Here are some other natural enemies of spiders.

Spiders cannibalize each other, so they have to be careful even with their own kind.

They easily pick up and eat spiders with their beaks.


They hunt in the same places as spiders, so they are like rivals.

They catch and eat wandering spiders.


・Wasps (parasitic wasps and attacking wasps).
They are divided into two types: those that lay eggs on spiders and parasitize them, and those that anesthetize them with poison and use them as food for their larvae.

・Flies (parasitic flies).
They lay eggs on spiders and parasitize them.

Mantises are carnivorous insects that attack spiders and their eggs.

How many eggs have a spider lay?


The number of spider eggs varies greatly depending on the type of spider, from tens to hundreds to thousands.
In the case of spiders that live near us, they lay about tens to hundreds of eggs at a time.
It is terrifying to imagine what would happen if they bred in our house.

Why do spiders lay so many eggs?
It is because very few of them survive until adulthood even if they lay many eggs.
They are eaten by other creatures or cannibalize each other, so their numbers decrease.

Not only spiders, but also creatures with low survival rates tend to have many offspring by giving birth or laying eggs.
It is one of the ways to leave as many descendants as possible.

How long does a spider live?


The lifespan of spiders depends largely on the type and sex of the spider.

Some types of spiders, such as the golden silk spider, can only live for about a year.
On the other hand, larger types of spiders, such as tarantulas, have longer lifespans and females are said to live for about 5 to 20 years.
However, even among tarantulas, males can only live for a few years.

Spiders tend to live longer if they are female than if they are male.
There is quite a difference in lifespan depending on the sex.
For male spiders, they are often eaten by females, so living for a few years can be considered a long life.

By the way, the oldest spider ever recorded was a trap-door spider that lived in Western Australia.
Its name was Number 16.

The average lifespan of trap-door spiders is about 5 to 20 years.
But Number 16 lived until it was 43 years old.
You can see that it lived almost twice as long as the average lifespan.

The cause of death of Number 16 was being stung by a wasp.
It did not die because it was very old, but because it was stung by a wasp.
If it had not been stung by a wasp, it might have lived longer.

Type of spider.

Since there are too many types of spiders, I will introduce only the ones that live in Japan.

・Silver garden spider.
・Heptathela kimurai.
・Heptathela yakushimaensis.
・Heptathela iheyana.
・Ryuthela sasakii.

・Purse web spider.
・Calommata signata.

・Antrodiaetus roretzi.

・Macrothele gigas.
・Macrothele yaginumai.

・Conothele fragaria.
・Latouchia typica.

・Scytodes fusca.
・Spitting spider.

・Belisana akebona.
・Belisana junkoae.
・Daddy long legs.
・Pholcus nagasakiensis.
・Pholcus fragillimus.
・Pholcus phalangioides.
・Spermophora senoculata.

・Ariadna lateralis.

・Pirate spider.
・Mimetus testaceus.

・Achaearanea angulithorax.
・Parasteatoda kompirensis.
・Theridion latifolium Yaginuma.
・Parasteatoda ryukyu.
・Achaearanea tubulata.
・Anelosimus crassipes.
・Anelosimus exiguus.
・Anelosimus iwawakiensis.
・Argyrodes bonadea.
・Argyrodes cylindatus.
・Argyrodes flavescens.
・Argyrodes kumadai.
・Argyrodes miniaceus.
・Ariamnes cylindrogaster.
・Chrysso albipes.
・Chrysso foliata.
・Chrysso scintillans.
・Chrysso spiniventris.
・Chrysso viridiventris.
・Coleosoma octomaculatum.
・Dipoena punctisparsa.
・Enoplognatha japonica..
・Enoplognatha caricis.
・Enoplognatha margarita.
・Episinus affinis.
・Episinus kitazawai.
・Keijia sterninotata.
・Redback widow spider.
・Moneta caudifera.
・Neospintharus fur.
・Brown widow spider.
・Achaearanea japonica.
・Parasteatoda tepidariorum.
・Phoroncidia altiventris.
・Phoroncidia pilula.
・Phycosoma flavomarginatum.
・Phycosoma mustelina.
・Rhomphaea labiata.
・Spheropistha melanosoma.
・Spheropistha miyashitai.
・Steatoda cingulata.
・Steatoda erigoniformis.
・Cupboard Spider.
・Triangulate Cobweb Spider.
・Stemmops nipponicus..
・Theridion chikunii.
・Theridion lyricum.
・Theridion subadultum.

・Ogulnius pullus.

・Conoculus lyugadinus.

・Mysmenella jobi.

・Asperthorax communis.
・Baryphymula kamakuraensis.
・Doenitzius peniculus.
・Doenitzius pruvus.
・Erigone prominens.
・Herbiphantes cericeus.
・Herbiphantes longiventris.
・Himalaphantes azumiensis.
・Microbathyphantes tateyamaensis.
・Nematogmus sanguinolentus.
・Neriene albolimbata.
・Neriene angulifera.
・Nematogmus sanguinolentus.
・Neriene japonica.
・Neriene limbatinella..
・Neriene longipedella.
・Neriene marginella.
・Neriene nigripectoris.
・Neriene oidedicata.
・Neserigone nigriterminorum.
・Turinyphia yunohamensis.
・Ummeliata feminea.

・Diphya okumae.
・Leucauge blanda.
・Black-striped Orchard Spider.
・Leucauge subblanda.
・Leucauge subgemmea.
・Menosira ornata.
・Meta reticuloides.
・Metleucauge chikunii.
・Metleucauge kompirensis.
・Meta segmentata.
・Metleucauge yunohamensis.
・Pachygnatha quadrimaculata.
・Tetragnatha yesoensis.
・Tetragnatha extensa.
・Slender figure long legs spider.
・Tetragnatha nitens.
・Long-jawed Orb-web spider.
・Tetragnatha squamata.
・Tetragnatha vermiformis.
・Tetragnatha yesoensis.

・Funnelweb spider.

・Araneus amabilis.
・Araneus boreus.
・Alenatea fuscocolorata.
・Araneus acusisetus.
・Araneus ejusmodi.
・Araneus ishisawai.
・Araneus macacus.
・Marbled Orb Weaver Spider.
・Araneus mitificus.
・Araneus ogatai.
・Araneus pentagrammicus.
・Araneus pinguis.
・Araneus rotundicornis.
・Araneus ryukyuanus.
・Araneus semilunaris.
・Araneus seminiger.
・Araneus tsuno.
・Araneus tsurusakii.
・Araneus uyemurai.
・Araneus variegatus.
・Araneus ventricosus.
・Araneus viridiventris.
・Araniella yaginumai.
・Argiope aemula.
・Golden Spider.
・Argiope boesenbergi.
・Argiope bruennichii.
・Argiope minuta.
・Argiope ocula.
・Chorizopes nipponicus.
・Cyclosa sedeculata..
・Cyclosa angusta.
・Cyclosa argenteoalba.
・Cyclosa atrata.
・Cyclosa confusa.
・Cyclosa ginnaga.
・Cyclosa kumadai.
・Cyclosa laticauda.
・Cyclosa maritima.
・Cyclosa monticola.
・Garbageline spider.
・Cyclosa omonaga.
・Cyclosa ono.
・Cyclosa sedeculata.
・Cyclosa vallata.
・Cyrtarachne bufo.
・Cyrtarachne inaequalis.
・Cyrtarachne nagasakiensis.
・Cyrtarachne yunoharuensis.
・Cyrtophora moluccensis.
・Cyrtophora unicolor.
・Eriophora astridae.
・Eriophora aurea.
・Eriophora sachalinensis.
・Eriovixia pseudocentrodes.
・Gasteracantha kuhlii.
・Araneus abscissus.
・Gibbaranea bituberculata.
・Hypsosinga sanguinea.
・Orb-weaver Spider.
・Larinioides cornutus.
・Neoscona adianta.
・Neoscona theisi.
・Ball-head spider.
・Neoscona nautica.
・Neoscona punctigera.
・Neoscona scylla.
・Neoscona scylloides.
・Neoscona subpullata.
・Neoscona theisi.
・Ordgarius hobsoni.
・Ordgarius sexspinosus.
・Paraplectana tsushimensis.
・Pasilobus hupingensis.
・Araneus ventricosus.
・Pronoides brunneus.
・Thelacantha brevipina.

・Two-tailed spider.

・Hyptiotes affinis.
・Miagrammopes orientalis.
・Octonoba sybotides.
・Octonoba varians.
・Octonoba yesoensis.
・Philoponella prominens.

・Clubiona deletrix.
・Alopecosa pulverulenta.
・Spitting spider.
・Arctosa ebicha.
・Arctosa fujiii.
・Arctosa ipsa.
・Hygrolycosa umidicola.
・Black-belly Wolf Spider.
・Lycosa ishikariana.
・Pardosa agraria.
・Pardosa astrigera.
・Pardosa brevivulva.
・Pardosa herbosa.
・Pardosa isago.
・Pardosa laevitarsis.
・Pardosa laura.
・Pardosa lugubris.
・Pond Wolf Spider.
・Pardosa takahashii.
・Pardosa yaginumai.
・Pirata subpiraticus.
・Piratula clercki.
・Pirata piratoides.
・Piratula procurvus.
・Piratula yaginumai.
・Trochosa aquatica.
・Trochosa ruricola.

・Dolomedes augustivirgatus.
・Dolomedes fontus.
・Dolomedes horishanus.
・Okinawan fishing spider.
・Dolomedes pallitarsis.
・Dolomedes raptor.
・Dolomedes silvicola.
・Dolomedes senilis.
・Dolomedes japonicas.
・Dolomedes sulfureus.
・Hygropoda higenaga.
・Perenethis fascigera.
・Pisaura lama.

・Oxyopes koreanus.
・Oxyopes badius.
・Oxyopes macilentus..
・Oxyopes sertatus.

・Wandering spider.

・Agelena labyrinthica.
・Agelena silvatica.
・Allagelena donggukensis.
・Agelena opulenta.
・Paracoelotes luctuosus.
・Tegecoelotes corasides.
・Tegenaria domestica.

・Argyroneta aquatica.
・Cybaeus hiroshimaensis.
・Cybaeus mellotteei.
・Cybaeus nipponicus.
・Cybaeus hiroshimaensis.
・Cybaeus shinkaii.

・Badumna insignis.
・Badumna longinqua.
・Paratheuma shirahamaensis.

・Neoantistea quelpartensis.

・Cicurina japonica.
・Dictyna felis.
・Dictyna foliicola.

・Nurscia albofasciata.

・Cheiracanthium japonicum.
・Japanese Foliage Spider.

・Itatsina praticola.

・Anyphaena ayshides.
・Anyphaena pugil.

・Orthobula crucifera.
・Phrurolithus komurai.
・Phrurolithus claripes.
・Phrurolithus nipponicus.
・Phrurolithus pennatus.

・Clubiona deletrix.
・Clubiona lena.
・Clubiona riparia.
・Clubiona rostrata.
・Clubiona vigil.

・Castianeira flavimaculata.

・Plator nipponicus.

・Cladothela oculinotata.
・Gnaphosa kompirensis.
・Hitobia asiatica.
・Kishidaia albimaculata.
・Micaria dives.
・Micaria japonica.
・Odontodrassus hondoensis.
・Sernokorba pallidipatellis.
・Zelotes asiaticus.

・Selenops bursarius.

・Heteropoda simplex.
・Brown huntsman spider.
・Green huntsman spider.
・Sinopoda forcipata.
・Thelcticopis severa.

・Philodromus auricomus.
・Philodromus aureolus.
・Philodromus cespitum..
・Philodromus margaritatus.
・Philodromus rufus.
・Philodromus spinitarsis.
・Philodromus subaureolus.
・Diamond spider.
・Thanatus nipponicus.
・Tibellus japonicus.
・Tibellus oblongus.

・Bassaniana decorata..
・Boliscus tuberculatus.
・Coriarachne fulvipes.
・Diaea subdola.
・Ebelingia kumadai.
・Ebrechtella tricuspidata.
・Heriaeus mellottei.
・Lysiteles coronatus.
・Oxytate striatipes.
・Oxytate hoshizuna.
・Ozyptila matsumotoi.
・Ozyptila nipponica.
・Phrynarachne ceylonica.
・Phrynarachne katoi.
・Pistius truncatus.
・Runcinia acuminata.
・Runcinia albostriata.
・Synema chikunii.
・Synaema globosum.
・Takachihoa truciformis.
・Thomisus labefactus.
・Thomisus okinawensis.
・Tmarus piger.
・Tmarus rimosus.
・Black Crab Spider.
・Xysticus croceus.
・Xysticus ephippiatus.
・Xysticus insulicola.
・Xysticus kurilensis.
・Xysticus saganus.
・Xysticus transversomaculatus.

・Asemonea tanikawai.
・Asianellus festivus.
・Bristowia heterospinosa.
・Burmattus pococki.
・Carrhotus xanthogramma.
・Cosmophasis lami.
・Euophrys kataokai.
・Evarcha albaria.
・Evarcha proszynskii.
・Evarcha selenaria.
・Hakka himeshimensis.
・Harmochirus insulanus.
・Hasarius adansoni.
・Helicius chikunii.
・Helicius cylindratus.
・Heliophanus lineiventris.
・Heliophanus ussuricus.
・Laufeia aenea.
・Marpissa mashibarai.
・Marpissa milleri.
・Aranea pomatia.
・Marpissa pulla.
・Marpissa magister.
・Mendoza elongata.
・Mendoza ibarakiensis.
・Mendoza pulchra.
・Menemerus bivittatus.
・Menemerus fulvus.
・Myrmarachne elongata.
・Myrmarachne formicaria.
・Myrmarachne innermichelis..
・Ant mimicking spider.
・Myrmarachne kuwagata.
・Nungia epigynalis.
・Pancorius crassipes.
・Phintella abnormis.
・Phintella bifurcilinea.
・Phintella linea.
・Phintella versicolor.
・Plexippoides annulipedis.
・Plexippoides doenitzi.
・Pantropical jumping spider.
・Plexippus setipes.
・Portia fimbriata.
・Pseudeuophrys erratica.
・Pseudeuophrys iwatensis.
・Pseudicius vulpes.
・Rhene albigera.
・Rhene atrata.
・Sibianor nigriculus.
・Sibianor pullus.
・Siler collingwoodi.
・Siler vittatus.
・Sitticus avocator.
・Sitticus penicillatus.
・Synagelides agoriformis.
・Synageles venator.
・Tasa koreana.
・Philaeus chrysops.
・Thyene orientalis.
・Yaginumaella striatipes.
・Yaginumanis sexdentatus.


世界雑学ノート「世界一大きいクモ・世界最大のクモ 世界一でかいクモ9種類!」

フマキッズこども研究所「昆虫・害虫なるほど情報室 クモ」


National Geographic「メスを縛って交尾有利に、クモで判明」

レタスクラブ「行為後にメスの交尾器を破壊する恐怖のクモ 眠れないほど面白い地球の雑学」

虫はともだち「クモ好き わが子を守るお母さんグモたち」



National Geographic「動物大図鑑 タランチュラ」



クモ画像集 科別一覧
