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Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky

Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is a dog breed known for its wolf-like handsome face and large body. It is popular worldwide, and in Japan, it boomed from the late 1980s to the 1990s. However, the boom has settled down, and it is less common to see them in the streets today. As one of the synonyms for 'cool dogs,' what kind of dog is the Siberian Husky? Let's take a closer look at their ecology.

Siberian Husky Basic Infomation

〜Basic Information〜

Class: Mammalia, Order: Carnivora, Family: Canidae, Genus: Canis Male: Height 53.5cm-60cm, Weight 20.5kg-28kg Female: Height 50.5cm-56cm, Weight 15.5kg-23kg The Siberian Husky is a large dog breed with a wolf-like sharp face. Their fur colors are generally a mix of black or black-blue, brown, and white. However, there are also individuals with pure white fur called White Huskies. Most individuals have white fur on their bellies. They have a fluffy, soft double coat, consisting of a medium-length, straight overcoat and a soft, dense undercoat. Originally from the tundra region between Siberia and the Canadian Arctic, they have lived in extremely cold areas. As a type of Eskimo dog, they have been active in expeditions. Their strength and stamina are characteristic, which has led to their excellent performance in dog sled races. They also played a crucial role as rescue dogs during World War II. Additionally, there is a famous story of Siberian Huskies relaying serum and medicine over 500 kilometers in sub-zero temperatures to save many lives during an epidemic in Alaska. This heroic act made Siberian Huskies known worldwide.

Can be kept as a pet

Siberian Huskies are popular as pets. They are intelligent and highly social, making well-trained individuals suitable as family members. However, they are not specifically bred for pets, so they are said to be difficult for beginners to raise.


Siberian Huskies are intelligent, highly social, and curious. Despite their wolf-like appearance, they are friendly to humans, which often surprises people. They recognize their family as a pack and live in harmony with them. Therefore, they can coexist with infants or other small animals without any issues. However, they have a strong desire to be praised and can be stubborn, so training and education need to be done with patience.


As a breed originally used for pulling sleds over long distances, Siberian Huskies have a lot of energy and need a lot of exercise. Therefore, they require walks twice a day, morning and evening, for 1-2 hours each. If they do not get enough exercise, they can become stressed, which can lead to illness or an inability to live in a group. When keeping a high-energy breed as a pet, ensure you allocate enough time for walks.


Siberian Huskies shed a lot, so they need daily brushing. They also require shampooing several times a month for proper care. During the molting season, they need extra attention. They are not good with heat, so make sure to remove loose fur to help them stay cool.

Not suitable as a guard dog

Despite their wolf-like face and large body, Siberian Huskies are not suitable as guard dogs. While they do have a sense of alertness, they can be friendly to strangers. Therefore, it is better not to keep them as guard dogs.

Siberian Husky Q&A

Siberian Husky
What is the origin of the name 'Siberian Husky'?

There are various theories about the origin of the name 'Siberian Husky.' One theory is that it comes from the quality of their voice. Their howling sound is described as a husky voice, which led to the name 'Siberian Husky.' Another theory is that the people who originally lived with Siberian Huskies were called 'Huskies.' The Chukchi people, who kept Siberian Huskies, were referred to as 'Huskies' by explorers and traders from other regions. Since these dogs were used as working dogs by the Chukchi, they came to be known as Siberian Huskies. Initially, they were called Siberian Chukchis.

Siberian Husky
Are there any dogs similar to the Siberian Husky?

Dog breeds that live in polar regions, like the Alaskan Malamute and the Samoyed, are close to the Siberian Husky. The Alaskan Malamute, in particular, looks very similar to the Siberian Husky. It is slightly larger than the Siberian Husky, but people who are not familiar with dogs might confuse them. Both breeds are friendly to humans. Overall, the Alaskan Malamute has a rounder impression, while the Siberian Husky has a sharper appearance.

Siberian Husky
Is it true that some Siberian Huskies have different colored eyes?

Siberian Huskies can have eye colors ranging from blue and blue-gray to dark brown. Occasionally, there are individuals with 'odd eyes,' where each eye is a different color. The eye color is determined by the amount of melanin pigment; more pigment results in darker eyes, while less pigment results in lighter blue eyes. Since Siberian Huskies originally lived in low-light areas, most individuals had blue eyes due to the low melanin pigment. However, as they began living in areas with longer daylight hours, it is thought that the increase in melanin pigment in one eye could result in odd eyes.

Siberian Husky
Siberian Huskies look like wolves, but are they really gentle?

Despite their wolf-like appearance and large bodies, Siberian Huskies have gentle personalities. People who are afraid of dogs might find them intimidating, but they are generally kind-hearted. They are strong and curious, and while they might be mischievous during their growth period and break things, they usually do not cause harm. They rarely bite seriously unless they are directly provoked. This applies not only to humans but also to small dogs they encounter during walks.

Siberian Husky
Are Siberian Huskies really lonely animals?

Siberian Huskies tend to howl when they feel lonely. This is due to their high social nature. They value their group, and when they are alone, they try to call out to their companions. When keeping them as pets, it is important to make them feel part of the family. Create a space for them in the living room where they can see the family, or open a window to let them smell the human presence.

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  • Siberian Husky



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