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Whale Shark

Whale Shark

Whale Shark

The whale shark, known for its immense size and gentle nature, is a giant of the sea. This article delves into the ecology, characteristics, and importance of conservation of the whale shark. Let’s explore together!

Whale Shark Basic Infomation

DescriptionThe whale shark is a very large shark, with a cylindrical to slightly flattened body shape. Its head is very broad and flat with five large gill slits. The gill slits do not have gill rakers, but inside are bars and lobes of a filter grid. The snout is very short and blunt, and the mouth is very large and extends behind the eyes. The back is gray, blue-gray, reddish-brown, or greenish-brown with white or yellow spots and vertical and horizontal lines forming a characteristic checkerboard pattern.
HabitatPrimarily found in tropical to subtropical seas
Taxonomic StatusAccepted
Conservation StatusData Deficient, Endangered
Common Names

fra : Requin baleine

spa : Tiburón ballena

eng : Whale Shark

Scientific NameRhincodon typus

Basic Information about the Whale Shark

The whale shark, known scientifically as 'Rhincodon typus,' is the largest fish in the world. This shark is especially famous for its immense size, with adults typically reaching about 12 meters in length, and some individuals growing over 18 meters. Their body color is gray or blue-gray, speckled with white or yellow spots across their body, which can be useful for individual identification.

They inhabit tropical and subtropical oceans, often seen in the open sea but also appearing in coastal shallow waters. Their diet consists of plankton, small fish, and occasionally jellyfish. They have a very large mouth and consume food by sucking in large amounts of water.

Whale sharks are relatively docile and do not consider humans as a threat, making them relatively safe to approach during scuba diving and snorkeling activities. They are a popular tourist attraction in many countries, allowing for close observation of their graceful swimming.

Whale Shark Q&A

Whale Shark
What is the origin of the name 'Whale Shark'?

The English name 'Whale Shark' derives from its enormous size and whale-like filter-feeding method. Its Japanese name 'ジンベエザメ' translates to 'whale shark,' which is named after the unique pattern on its body resembling the traditional Japanese work attire 'Jinbei.'

Whale Shark
Why does the whale shark live there?

Whale sharks prefer warm waters and are predominantly found in tropical and subtropical regions. These areas provide abundant plankton, which is their primary food source, offering an ideal habitat. The vast open waters of these regions also suit their large size.

Whale Shark
What does the whale shark eat?

As filter feeders, whale sharks primarily consume plankton, small fish, fish eggs, and crustaceans. They swim with their enormous mouths open, ingesting water and filtering these small organisms through their gill rakers.

Whale Shark
How does the whale shark feed?

Whale sharks feed by opening theirgiant mouths, drawing in sea water and all it contains. The special structure in their gills, known as gill rakers, then filters out the food from the water. This efficient feeding mechanism allows them to consume large amounts of small food particles.

Whale Shark
How are individual whale sharks identified?

Whale sharks are identified by the unique pattern of white spots and stripes on their skin, acting as a natural barcode. Researchers use photographs and databases to track and identify individual sharks by these patterns.

Whale Shark
What is the maximum size of whale sharks?

Whale sharks can reach up to about 20 meters in length, though commonly seen individuals measure between 10 and 12 meters. They are the largest fish species in the world and their immense size is a major reason for their popularity among marine biologists and divers.

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Whale Shark Type of List

The whale shark (Rhincodon typus) is the only species in the Rhincodontidae family, and this genus contains no other species.

Blue Shark

The blue shark, a blue bullet that gracefully navigates the vast ocean. Despite their beautiful appearance, they are hunters that play a crucial role in the marine food chain. Let's delve into the surprising ecology of blue sharks, the threats they face, and what we can do to help protect them.

Bonnethead Shark

When it comes to sharks with unique head shapes, the hammerhead shark comes to mind! Among them, the smallest is the bonnethead shark. Why do they have such a strange head shape? Let's explore the ecology of the bonnethead shark and the challenges they face.

Bull Shark

Did you know that there are sharks that swim up rivers? The bull shark is an unusual shark that ventures into freshwater. Feared for their powerful jaws and aggressive nature, they also have a surprising side...? Let's dive into the secrets of the bull shark!

Carolina Hammerhead

Off the east coast of the United States, lives a rare hammerhead shark recently discovered - the Carolina hammerhead. What kind of shark are they? Let's explore the world of the Carolina hammerhead and uncover the mysteries that surround them.

Great Hammerhead Shark

The great hammerhead shark, a master hunter of the sea. The largest of all hammerhead species, they are known for their distinctive hammer-shaped head and massive dorsal fin. What secrets lie within this hammer-like head? Let's dive into the ecology of the great hammerhead shark and the challenges they face.

Scalloped Bonnethead

In the tropical seas, there's an unusual shark with a crown-shaped head. It's called the scalloped bonnethead. Why do they have such a strange head shape? Let's explore the ecology of the scalloped bonnethead and the mysteries surrounding them.

Scalloped Hammerhead Shark

The scalloped hammerhead shark, a captivating species that mesmerizes divers with its unique hammer-shaped head. They travel the warm waters of the world, sometimes forming massive schools. However, their populations are declining due to overfishing and habitat destruction. Let's explore the fascinating ecology of the scalloped hammerhead shark and the threats they face.


In the tropical seas, a rare hammerhead shark swims with a unique shovel-shaped head. This is the scoophead shark. What kind of shark are they? Let's explore the world of the scoophead shark and uncover the mysteries surrounding them.


Sharks are often portrayed as scary creatures in American movies. But are they really that scary? If you get to know sharks very well, you might find that they are not that scary after all. Let’s take a look at what kind of creature sharks are!

Smalleye Hammerhead

In the warm tropical waters of the western Atlantic, lives a small hammerhead known as the smalleye hammerhead. They are one of the smallest hammerhead species, and their ecology is still shrouded in mystery. Let's explore the fascinating world of the smalleye hammerhead!

Smooth Hammerhead Shark

The smooth hammerhead shark, a wise traveler of the hammerhead family, journeys across the world's oceans. What secrets lie within its sleek, hammer-shaped head? Let's explore the ecology of the smooth hammerhead shark and the threats they face.

Winghead Shark

In the seas of Southeast Asia, lives a mysterious shark with a unique head shaped like outstretched wings. This is the winghead shark. Let's delve into the ecology of the winghead shark and the threats they face.



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Pixabayが提供するClaudia Kirchbergerの動画
Whale Shark
Domingo TrejoによるPixabayからの画像
Whale Shark
simone saponettoによるPixabayからの画像
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Domingo TrejoによるPixabayからの画像
Whale Shark
Alain BERGERによるPixabayからの画像
Whale Shark
Whale Shark
Domingo TrejoによるPixabayからの画像
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