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Are you familiar with a rabbit that boasts a truly unique pattern? Yes, it's the 'Harlequin'! Since it's rarely seen in Japan, if you know about this rabbit, you could consider yourself quite the rabbit aficionado. Whether you are hearing the name for the first time or are already a fan, why not explore the secrets of the Harlequin together?

Harlequin Basic Infomation

Country of origin: France

Senior/Male: Over 8 months old, 2.95 kg to 4.08 kg, Ideal weight 3.40 kg

Senior/Female: Over 8 months old, 3.18 kg to 4.31 kg, Ideal weight 3.63 kg

Junior/Male: Under 6 months old, less than 3.40 kg, Minimum weight 1.70 kg

Junior/Female: Under 6 months old, less than 3.63 kg, Minimum weight 1.70 kg

The Harlequin, sometimes also referred to as 'Harlequin', will be introduced on this page under the unified name of 'Harlequin'.

The Harlequin is a breed of rabbit that has been artificially developed. Its exact history is unknown, but it is thought to possibly have originated from crossing the Dutch breed with wild rabbits.

Therefore, when it was initially developed, it tended to have more of a messy Dutch-like appearance. It made its debut at a rabbit show in Paris in 1887 and later made its way to America. It was registered with the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) in 1973.

Harlequin Q&A

What is the origin of the name 'Harlequin'?

The name comes from the rabbit's unique appearance, with half of its face and body displaying a two-color composition, resembling a jester's outfit. 'Harlequin' is the English reading of the French word for jester, 'Arlequin'.

What are the color variations of the Harlequin?

Japanese: The design is inspired by the Japanese Rising Sun flag. Colors include Black, Blue, Chocolate, and Lilac.

Magpie: Named after the bird, Magpie. Colors include Black, Blue, Chocolate, and Lilac.

Colors available are Brown, Blue Grey, and Blue. The Harlequin is exclusively a short-haired breed.

What does the Harlequin look like?

Harlequins have a commercial body type with well-proportioned ears and fur that lies flat against the skin. Their most distinctive feature is their unique coloring, which sets them apart immediately from other purebred rabbits. In the case of the Japanese variety, the configuration is Orange × Fawn × (Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac), and for the Magpie, it is White × (Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac).

Is marking an important point for Harlequins?

Indeed it is. Especially in rabbit shows, the marking can account for more than half of the assessment. Here are the details:

1. The vertical half of the face must be different colors on each side.

2. The ears should also be different colors, ideally opposite to the face.

3. The chest and legs should differ from side to side, ideally opposite to the face color.

4. There should be 5 to 7 vertical stripes or a crisscross pattern on the back.

These are the criteria for superior Harlequin markings.

Where can I encounter a Harlequin?

In Japan, Harlequins are rare, and finding a specialist breeder can be difficult. There are breeders abroad, so if you have contacts overseas, it might be easier to find a Harlequin through them.

How much does it cost to purchase a Harlequin?

Approximately 100,000 yen. The Harlequin has a low distribution volume in Japan, making it pricier compared to other rabbits. Show type rabbits, which have the potential to win in shows, are called 'Show type', and those suitable for home pets without any issues are called 'Pet type'. Show type Harlequins can fetch even higher prices.

I want to know more about the personality of the Harlequin!

Harlequins are generally calm and curious, making them suitable as pets even for families with small children. Their grooming needs are relatively simple, making them a perfect breed for first-time rabbit owners.

What diseases are Harlequins prone to?

Harlequins are susceptible to 'Rabbit Gastrointestinal Syndrome (RGIS)', 'Malocclusion', and 'Torticollis'.

Rabbits often accidentally swallow hair while grooming, which can lead to serious digestive blockages if not passed properly.

Previously known as 'hairball disease', it was renamed to more accurately reflect that not only hair but other materials can block the digestive tract.

All rabbits are at risk of RGIS, hence it's crucial to feed them fibrous timothy hay, ensure they get enough exercise, and avoid dehydration. Regular brushing by the owner is also recommended.

Malocclusion can make it difficult for rabbits to eat or drink properly. Since rabbit teeth continue to grow throughout their life, it is normally controlled by chewing on wood or fibrous food. However, any disruption to this can lead to misalignment.

If untreated, it can lead to further complications, such as nasolacrimal duct stenosis, so it's advisable to consult a vet if you notice any changes in eating habits or tooth growth.

Torticollis is not a disease but a symptom where the rabbit's neck is tilted. It can develop if bacteria infect the brain areas responsible for balance.

If severe, it can prevent the rabbit from drinking or eating, potentially leading to fatal outcomes. Bacterial infections are treated with medications, but prevention is also crucial.

What is the lifespan of a Harlequin?

Harlequins live for about 5 to 10 years, which is slightly longer than the average rabbit lifespan of 6 to 8 years.

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Harlequin Type of List

American Fuzzy Lop

Have you ever heard of the American Fuzzy Lop? When you think of America, you might imagine a rabbit with a large and robust body like other rabbits. However, the American Fuzzy Lop is a very cute animal with fluffy fur and droopy ears on its small body. Would you like to explore the world of rabbits, also known as Amefaji, and discover their secrets?

Arctic Hare
Arctic Hare

Speaking of rabbits, they are small animals with adorable long ears and a rounded figure. There is a wide variety of rabbits, some with slightly unusual characteristics. arctic hares are one of them. The long ears and round figure remain the same, but what is surprising is the long legs when standing up. At one point, it became a hot topic as "different from the rabbit I imagined". However, the loveliness unique to arctic hares seems to be addictive. Let's take a look at its ecology!

Dwarf Hotot
Dwarf Hotot

Dwarf Hotot is a rabbit with exotic eyeliner around its eyes and a dignified appearance! You hardly see them in pet shops, so many people must have been surprised to see such a rabbit! Why don’t you take a peek at the secrets of this slightly rare dwarf hotot?

English Lop
English Lop

Speaking of rabbits with surprisingly large and droopy ears, we have the English Lop. They have large ears and a large body, and are said to be the oldest breed of lop-eared rabbits in history. Since they are not often seen in Japan, some people may be hearing their name for the first time. Would you like to explore more about the English Lop, also known as the ancestor of small lop-eared rabbits?

English Spot
English Spot

Are you familiar with the rabbit called 'English Spot'? It somewhat resembles the panda rabbit often seen in schools, but it is a different breed. It is quite rare in Japan, so many might be hearing its name for the first time. What exactly is the English Spot rabbit? Let's find out more about it on this page!

Flemish Giant
Flemish Giant

Are you familiar with the 'Flemish Giant' rabbit? There are many sizes and colors of rabbits in the world, but the Flemish Giant is counted among the largest. Typically, rabbits give birth to around eight babies at a time, but there is a record of a Flemish Giant giving birth to as many as 18 babies at once. Let's take a quick look into the secrets of this big rabbit!

French Lop
French Lop

“French Lop” is a breed of domestic rabbit that is known for its droopy ears and plump and round body shape. Although there are several other breeds of lop-eared rabbits, French Lop is considered the largest of them all. While small rabbits like Holland Lop are also cute, French Lop looks like a giant stuffed animal! Why not explore its hidden charm?


Do you know the rabbit called Himalayan? By the way, there is also a cat breed called Himalayan, but do you know which one got the name Himalayan first? Actually, it was the ‘rabbit’! The cat was named after the rabbit’s Himalayan because it looked similar. Let’s explore the secrets of the Himalayan that has such a mystery!

Holland Lop
Holland Lop

The Holland Lop is a cute rabbit with a small size and droopy ears! It is one of the popular pet rabbits, and it has interesting features and comes in a variety of colors! If you see one somewhere, please observe it while paying attention to what is written here!

Jersey Wooly
Jersey Wooly

Did you know that the Jersey Wooly rabbit, a name not often heard in Japan, has an unforgettable cute appearance? It has small ears and body with fluffy fur. It is called a rabbit that moves like a stuffed animal. Let’s take a quick tour of the yet unseen world of the Jersey Wooly!

Lion Head
Lion Head

Have you ever heard of a rabbit called a “lion head”? It means “lion? head?” when translated directly, but the name gives the impression that it might be powerful! Some people might think that. But in fact, it’s a cute rabbit that looks like a small male lion! In Japan, there are not many opportunities to see lion heads. Would you like to take a peek at their hidden secrets?

Mini Lop
Mini Lop

Are you familiar with the Mini Lop, a popular type of lop-eared rabbit? Though it's called 'mini', it is actually larger than the Holland Lop and smaller than the French Lop, creating a curious 'large, medium, small' comparison when they are lined up together. Let's delve deeper into the life and ecology of the mysterious Mini Lop!

Mini Rex
Mini Rex

What kind of rabbit is small but beautiful? That’s right! It’s the ‘mini rex’. Some people in Japan love mini rexes too, so maybe you have heard their name before. They have a lot of color variations and are suitable as pets, so they are easy to keep even for beginners. Let’s find out more about the secrets of the mini rex!

Northern Pika
Northern Pika

The Northern Pika, with its beady eyes, is an adorable wild creature often considered a lucky find during mountain hikes. Despite its rabbit-like appearance, it has many characteristics that are unlike those of rabbits. This section introduces the small-bodied Northern Pika, which lives in extremely cold regions.


These days, rabbits are popular as pets, not only with children but also with adults! It is famous for its very cute appearance and gestures. It is one of the most familiar animals to us that we can easily meet at zoos and rabbit cafes in the city. But did you know that there is actually an unexpected side to her that is hard to imagine from such a cute figure? Let's take a quick peek at the personality and unexpected secrets of such rabbits!


Do you know a rabbit called Rex? If you know or have heard of it, you might be quite a rabbit expert. Actually, this rabbit is rarely seen in Japan, and you would be lucky if you find a house that keeps it. On this page, we introduce some of the unknown secrets of Rex. Why don’t we take a peek at those secrets right away?


Have you ever heard of a rabbit called 'Tan'? By the way, it's not the 'Tan' that's delicious for grilled meat. Since it's a rabbit not often seen in Japan, those who know it might be quite the rabbit aficionado. On this page, we introduce the secrets of such a Tan. What does the name 'Tan' mean? Its secret is also hidden. Let's take a peek!



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