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Are you familiar with the animal called an opossum? Uncommon in Japan, the opossum inhabits the American continent and possesses a marsupial pouch similar to a kangaroo, along with a rat-like face. As many may not have a clear image of this animal, this article provides a detailed introduction to the ecology of opossums. Discover the charm of the opossum!

Opossum Basic Infomation

Class: Mammalia, Order: Didelphimorphia, Family: Didelphidae, Genus: Didelphis

Sizes vary greatly among species, ranging from 10 cm to 100 cm.

Specifically, the Virginia opossum, one of the most well-known species, has the following dimensions:

Body length: Approximately 35-100 cm

Weight: About 1.0-2.5 kg

The Virginia opossum is said to be the largest species within the Didelphidae family.

Opossums have a rat-like face with a pointed snout and have five toes on each foot.

Many species possess a prehensile tail capable of grasping objects, which aids in climbing trees. They can also hang from branches by their tails and catch insects in flight.

While opossums are marsupials, some species lack a marsupial pouch.

The diversity among opossum species is a distinctive trait.

Although small animals like opossums are often perceived as prey for snakes, it's quite the opposite for opossums. They are resistant to pain, so bites or constriction do not bother them. Moreover, they have a resistance to snake venom, making them a formidable opponent for snakes.

Opossums inhabit parts of North and South America. They have adapted to a variety of environments, making them a common sight in many areas.

They are the only marsupials found in the Americas, and they have survived biological competition with placental mammals to the present day.

Opossum Q&A

What is the origin of the opossum's name?

The name 'opossum' is believed to come from the Algonquian word 'aposoum', which means 'white animal'. Interestingly, the word 'possum' refers to a similar-looking animal, and the prefix 'o' has been dropped over time. In Australia, 'opossum' may refer to what is known locally as a possum, and in America, a possum might be called an 'opossum', which can be quite confusing.

Why does the opossum live there?

Opossum habitats vary significantly among species. The Virginia opossum typically lives on the ground but is an adept climber. Other species display even greater diversity, inhabiting everything from underground burrows to aquatic environments. Some aquatic species even possess webbed feet, which highlights the extensive adaptative evolution of opossums to various environments.

What does the opossum eat?

Opossums are omnivorous and will eat almost anything. Their diet includes rodents, birds, fruits, and even carrion. In urban areas in America, they are known to scavenge roadkill and garbage, which sometimes leads them into human habitats where they are seen rummaging through trash cans.

Are opossums and possums the same animal?

While opossums and possums share many similarities and are both marsupials, they are not the same and are not closely related. Opossums are native to the Americas, while possums are found in Australia. Both tend to live in trees, although some opossum species are ground dwellers. Despite similar lifestyles and ecological niches, their classification is quite different.

Do opossums really play dead?

One of the most famous behaviors of the opossum is 'playing dead.' When threatened and unable to escape, an opossum will fall into an involuntary shock-like state that can last for hours. The animal appears dead, complete with stiff limbs, an open drooling mouth, and an emitted foul odor from anal glands, which convinces predators that it is not a viable meal.

Do opossums carry their young on their backs?

Yes, mother opossums often carry their young on their backs. This behavior helps the young to stay close and safe while the mother moves around searching for food. This endearing sight can soften the typically negative perception of opossums.

Is it true that opossums can have up to 50 offspring at once?

Opossums have one of the highest reproduction rates among marsupials. They can give birth to very large litters, sometimes more than 20, and exceptionally up to 50. However, not all offspring survive due to the limited number of teats in the mother's pouch, where the newborns continue to develop.

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Opossum Type of List


  • ウーリーオポッサム亜科ウーリーオポッサム属
  • セスジウーリーオポッサム属セスジウーリーオポッサム
  • オポッサム亜科Didelphini族ミズオポッサム属ミズオポッサム
  • オポッサム属キタオポッサム
  • Lutreolina
  • ヨツメオポッサム属
  • Marmosini族Marmosa(ワタゲオポッサム属を含む)
  • ジネズミオポッサム属
  • ガウメルマウスオポッサム属ガウメルマウスオポッサム
  • Metachirini族チャイロオポッサム属チャイロオポッサム
  • Thylamyini族Chacodelphysハレギマウスオポッサム
  • Cryptonanus
  • コアシマウスオポッサム属
  • パタゴニアオポッサム属パタゴニアオポッサム
  • ホソマウスオポッサム属
  • オブトマウスオポッサム属
  • Glironiinae亜科フサオオポッサム属フサオオポッサム
  • Hyladelphinae亜科カリノースキーマウスオポッサム属カリノースキーマウスオポッサム



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