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Mini Lop

Mini Lop

Mini Lop

Are you familiar with the Mini Lop, a popular type of lop-eared rabbit? Though it's called 'mini', it is actually larger than the Holland Lop and smaller than the French Lop, creating a curious 'large, medium, small' comparison when they are lined up together. Let's delve deeper into the life and ecology of the mysterious Mini Lop!

Mini Lop Basic Infomation

Country of Origin: Germany

Senior Male: Over 6 months, 2.04kg - 2.95kg, Ideal weight 2.72kg

Senior Female: Over 6 months, 2.04kg - 2.95kg, Ideal weight 2.72kg

Junior Male/Female: Under 6 months, less than 2.72kg, minimum weight 1.36kg according to the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) standards

The rabbit was first recognized at a rabbit show in Germany in 1972, where an American breeder named Bob fell in love with the original Mini Lop. Known at the time as Kleine Widder, these rabbits were a cross between the German Big Lop and a small chinchilla breed.

The original Mini Lop had a beautiful head and ears, but Bob was determined to maintain this look while creating an even smaller rabbit, and he quickly began breeding original Mini Lops and white rabbits imported to the USA.

He later used the French Lop and Standard Chinchilla for breeding, but it seems he struggled to achieve the desired size.

In 1974, he introduced this rabbit to the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) for the first time, but it was not officially registered due to its size not being ideal and the breed name not being quite right at the time.

Bob then renamed the breed to Mini Lop, and shared males and females born from his breeding efforts with other breeder friends.

As various breeders became involved, improvements were made, and when the Mini Lop was resubmitted for registration, it was officially recognized as a breed in 1980.

Mini Lop Q&A

Mini Lop
What is the origin of the Mini Lop's name?

The term 'Mini' implies 'small', and 'Lop' refers to the characteristic of having drooping ears. The name was created by combining these terms.

Mini Lop
What are the color variations of the Mini Lop?

Mini Lops come in various color patterns:

- Self (one solid color): Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac, Blue-eyed White, Ruby-eyed White

- Shaded (darker color on the ears, nose, tail, and feet): Sable, Sable Point, Smoke Pearl, Seal, Tortoise Black, Tortoise Blue, Tortoise Chocolate, Tortoise Lilac, Frosty Black, Frosty Blue, Frosty Chocolate, Frosty Lilac

- Agouti (each hair shaft has multiple colors): Chestnut Agouti, Chocolate Agouti, Chocolate Chinchilla, Chinchilla, Lynx, Opal

- Broken (white base color with spots): Broken, Tri-color

- Pointed White (white body with colored points): Black, Blue, Chocolate, Lilac

- Ticked (different colored hairs interspersed): Steel Black, Steel Blue, Steel Lilac, Steel Chocolate, Steel Sable, Silver Fox Black

- Wide Band (same color on the head and legs, different around the eyes and belly): Cream, Fawn, Orange, Red

Mini Lops have only a short coat variety.

Mini Lop
What does a Mini Lop look like?

Mini Lops have a well-developed, robust head with a part called the 'crown' that curves in shape. The body type is described as compact. The ears are rounded at the tips and hang vertically, legs are short and stout, giving them a stocky appearance. Their low head carriage is sometimes likened to that of a Bulldog, contributing to their popularity. The fur is known for its good texture, described as roll-back.

Mini Lop
Are there crossbreeds of Mini Lops?

There are no crossbreeds within the officially recognized Mini Lop breed. However, the meaning might vary depending on the shop handling them. Some shops sell purebred Mini Lops, while others might label any lop-eared rabbit as a 'Mini Lop'. It's advisable to confirm the specifics when purchasing from breeders or pet shops.

Mini Lop
How much does it cost to buy a Mini Lop?

The cost usually starts around 8,000 yen. There are also distinctions made between rabbits that might win at rabbit shows, called 'Show type', and those that are fine for home pets, called 'Pet type'. Show type Mini Lops can be more expensive.

Mini Lop
What are the personality traits of the Mini Lop?

Mini Lops are generally calm and friendly, known for their curious nature which makes them easily adaptable to new environments. They love playing with their owners and are relatively comfortable being held compared to other rabbit breeds, though individual differences exist. Care should be taken to avoid handling them against their will. Their size makes them suitable for families with children. However, their strong territorial instincts might not make them the best candidates for living with other animals or in multi-pet households. Depending on the room size, allowing them to walk around for a set period after being out of their cage usually suffices for their exercise needs. If they are not scared of the outdoors, taking them on 'bunny walks' can also be beneficial.

Mini Lop
What are some common diseases in Mini Lops?

Mini Lops are susceptible to Rabbit Gastrointestinal Syndrome (RGIS), ear infections, and dental issues such as malocclusion. Regular brushing can prevent hairballs, a common issue where ingested hair becomes tangled in their digestive system. Monitoring their diet and ensuring they have plenty of water and fiber can also help prevent these conditions. Ear care is crucial as their drooping ears can lead to moisture accumulation, making them prone to infections.

Mini Lop
What is the lifespan of a Mini Lop?

Mini Lops typically live about 5 to 7 years, which is on par with the average lifespan for most rabbit breeds.

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