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Irish Water Spaniel

Irish Water Spaniel

Irish Water Spaniel

Do you know the dog breed called the 'Irish Water Spaniel'? Since there are very few owners in Japan, many people may be hearing the name for the first time. Let's introduce the Irish Water Spaniel with its distinctive fur and tail!

Irish Water Spaniel Basic Infomation

〜Basic Information〜

Country of Origin: Ireland Height: Males 53-59 cm Females 51-56 cm Weight: Males 20-30 kg Females 20-28 kg The Irish Water Spaniel is the largest of the spaniel breeds, with a sturdy, muscular build, but it is also graceful and elegant in appearance. Its coat is a thick, curly double coat with a waterproof texture. The most distinctive feature is its tail, known as the 'rat tail', which is thick at the base and covered with curly hair, but thin and hairless at the tip. This unique tail is a characteristic only of the Irish Water Spaniel. The ears are large, set low, and covered with curly hair, giving them a hair-like appearance.

History of the Irish Water Spaniel

The Irish Water Spaniel is a hunting dog that can retrieve game in bad weather and rough terrain. It is the oldest of the spaniel breeds, and it is said that there were three types of water spaniels in Ireland, with the Irish Water Spaniel being the last survivor. Archaeological excavations by the Harvard team revealed skulls believed to be those of the Irish Water Spaniel, dating back to the 7th or 8th century. Statues resembling the Irish Water Spaniel have also been found in Roman ruins. The breed was known as the 'water dog chasing waterfowl' in old documents and was used for hunting waterfowl before the advent of guns. This suggests that their ancestors were present from very ancient times. Although the exact origin is not known, there are theories that Persian dogs evolved and came to Ireland via Spain, or that Portuguese dogs came to Ireland via Spain. The Irish Water Spaniel became famous in dog shows in the late 1800s and was the third most popular dog in Ireland in 1875. This breed has lived with humans for a very long time.

Irish Water Spaniel Q&A

Irish Water Spaniel
What is the origin of the name 'Irish Water Spaniel'?

The exact origin of the name 'Irish Water Spaniel' is unclear. However, 'Irish' means 'from Ireland', 'Water' refers to their hunting in water, and 'Spaniel' means 'from Spain'. The name likely reflects the breed's history and characteristics.

Irish Water Spaniel
What is the temperament of the Irish Water Spaniel?

The Irish Water Spaniel is cheerful, very active, and curious. As a hunting dog, it can find game in any condition and reliably retrieve it for the owner, showing patience, understanding, and intelligence. They are very affectionate and obedient to their owners but can be wary of strangers, making them reliable guard dogs. However, they can become friendly playmates for children and get along well with other animals once accustomed. They may bark at unfamiliar or suspicious people, but they do not bark unnecessarily. Their barking can alert the owner to potential threats. As their name suggests, Irish Water Spaniels are excellent swimmers and love to swim. They even have webbed feet for swimming. Owners who enjoy swimming can have a great time with them in the sea, rivers, or pools.

Irish Water Spaniel
How do you keep an Irish Water Spaniel?

It may be challenging to keep an Irish Water Spaniel in Japan. They are rarely seen in pet shops, and there are few breeders in Japan. This breed is so rare in Japan that almost no one owns them. Therefore, you will likely need to import one from Ireland. Irish breeders prefer to entrust their dogs to loving and responsible owners, so it's important to show your enthusiasm and commitment to be considered a suitable owner. It's essential to be fully prepared and committed to keeping a pet, not just the Irish Water Spaniel. Thorough preparation and education on how to care for them will ensure a secure and happy life for both the owner and the pet.

Irish Water Spaniel
Does the Irish Water Spaniel require a lot of exercise?

As a large and hunting breed, the Irish Water Spaniel needs plenty of exercises. Owners should be able to match their energy levels. Daily walks of 30 minutes to an hour each in the morning and evening, along with an additional hour of free exercise in a dog park, are necessary. In the summer, walk them during cooler times like early morning or evening. As they love swimming, letting them swim in ponds, rivers, or the sea will make them happy. They are also good at retrieving games like frisbee. Enjoying these activities together can be fun for both the dog and the owner. Hiking enthusiasts can also take them along on mountain trails. Regular exercise is essential for the Irish Water Spaniel to prevent stress and obesity, which can lead to destructive behavior and health issues. Keeping them active helps maintain their physical and mental health.

Irish Water Spaniel
Is the Irish Water Spaniel kept indoors?

The Irish Water Spaniel is resistant to cold and can handle swimming in cold water but is very sensitive to heat. Temperatures above 22-23 degrees Celsius and humidity over 60% can cause heatstroke. Therefore, it's better to keep them indoors, where they can stay cool and spend more time with their owners. As a large dog, they can easily jump over fences, so use a crate with a roof or dedicate a room for them. Remove anything dangerous or that you don't want them to chew. When leaving them alone, ensure they have plenty of water and keep the room cool with air conditioning to prevent heatstroke. Dogs experience temperature differently from humans, so adjust the indoor climate to their needs.

Irish Water Spaniel
What kind of food does the Irish Water Spaniel eat?

As a large and active dog, the Irish Water Spaniel needs animal protein. However, a balanced diet is crucial, so it's best to provide 'complete and balanced' dog food along with animal protein. Homemade food is an option if you can ensure balanced nutrition, but commercial dog food is often more convenient. Supplements can also be beneficial. Diet is important for their health, so choose food that meets their nutritional needs.

Irish Water Spaniel
How do you train an Irish Water Spaniel?

With proper training, the Irish Water Spaniel can be very obedient, but training can be challenging. They can be stubborn, so start training early. The owner must establish leadership and make the dog understand they need to listen. They love to play, so incorporating training into playtime can be effective. However, they may get distracted, so be patient and consistent. Professional dog trainers can also provide advice and training if needed. Indoor training should include housebreaking from day one. Praise and reward them for successful toilet use. Positive reinforcement is crucial for their training. The Irish Water Spaniel is humorous and can entertain their owners. However, setting boundaries is important for their and the family's well-being. Be strict when needed and play with them enthusiastically.

Irish Water Spaniel
Is grooming the Irish Water Spaniel difficult?

The Irish Water Spaniel's curly coat may seem challenging to groom, but it doesn't require special care. Regular grooming is necessary for their skin and coat health. After walks, lightly brush them to remove debris. Regular thorough brushing 2-3 times a week with a slicker brush is needed to prevent matting. A visit to the groomer every 2-3 months for trimming will keep them tidy. Their droopy ears are prone to infections, so clean their ears regularly. They have a unique smell due to their oily coat, but excessive shampooing can lead to skin issues. Rinse them thoroughly after swimming in the sea. As a large dog, grooming might be more demanding than for small dogs, but regular grooming is essential for their health.

Irish Water Spaniel
What diseases are Irish Water Spaniels prone to?

Like all dogs, Irish Water Spaniels can suffer from certain diseases. Here are some common ones: 'Hip Dysplasia' Common in large breeds, it occurs when rapid growth causes an imbalance between bone and muscle development, leading to hip deformities. It's genetic, so check the parents before adopting. 'Otitis Externa' Common in droopy-eared dogs, it can be hard to cure once it develops. Regular ear cleaning can prevent it. Dogs can't express their pain, so observe them closely and take them to the vet if something seems off. The average lifespan of the Irish Water Spaniel is 10-13 years. Cherish your time with them and ensure they have a healthy, happy life.

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  • Irish Water Spaniel



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