Herons, often seen standing in rice paddies, are birds familiar to us. In this article, we explore the habitat, characteristics, and various charms of the heron.
Heron Basic Infomation

Order: Pelecaniformes, Family: Ardeidae, Genus: Heron
Total length approximately 50-89cm (varies by species), Weight 0.5-0.6kg
Herons have a distinctive appearance with long legs and beaks. Their coloration ranges from gray to white to black.
Heron Q&A

What is the origin of the name 'Heron'?
The name 'Heron' originates from the white color of the heron's feathers, deriving from the word 'sayakeki' (clear), which evolved into 'Sagi'.
Another theory suggests the name came from 'sayagi' (noisy), due to the heron's loud calling sound.
In English, it is called 'Heron', which directly means 'Sagi'.
The scientific name is 'Ardeidae', referring to a general term for birds in the heron family within the order of Ciconiiformes.
Herons are also known by other names such as 'Sekkaku' (snow guest), 'Hakuchou' (white bird), 'Setsuro' (snow heron), 'Shikin' (thread bird), and 'Shoujo' (pestle bird).

Why do herons live there?
Herons inhabit almost all parts of the world except for some regions in Russia and Canada. They are found across Eurasia, Africa, North and South America, and Australia.
In Japan, herons are categorized as resident birds that stay all year round, winter birds, and summer birds that migrate for overwintering.

What do herons eat?
Herons are omnivorous and prey on a variety of creatures including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
They often hunt in rivers and rice fields, particularly targeting frogs exposed during rice harvesting seasons.

Are herons distinctive in appearance?
Herons resemble cranes and storks but are generally smaller in size.
Their coloration typically ranges from gray to white to black. Some herons change color with the seasons.
Herons with white plumage, such as the Great Heron, Medium Heron, Little Heron, and Rain Heron (only in winter), are collectively referred to as 'Shirosagi' (white herons).

Do herons live in groups?
Herons nest in relatively high trees where they can easily survey their surroundings, forming colonies.
Not all heron colonies are composed of the same species; for instance, Great Herons and Little Herons may share trees.
Nests are often located near riverbanks, but as heron populations have increased, they are increasingly forming nests near temples and shrines frequented by people.
The increase in heron populations has also led to issues with their droppings, which can damage the trees where they nest.

Are herons considered noisy birds?
Herons may inadvertently drop tadpoles or fish they are carrying while flying, which can scatter them along roadsides.
While this is a common sight for people who live near rice fields, it can be a surprising and newspaper-worthy event for those unfamiliar with the phenomenon.

Is there a yokai (supernatural creature) associated with herons?
In Japan, there are historical records from the year 1212 that mention an 'encounter with a heron spirit', suggesting an increase in earthquakes whenever herons are spotted.
The heron yokai known as 'Aosagibi' (blue heron fire) is rumored to be herons glowing pale blue at night, which were mistakenly believed to be supernatural.

Are herons a farmer's nemesis?
Although herons are commonly seen standing quietly in rice fields, they are often considered pests by farmers because they prey on frogs and other creatures living in the fields.
Herons can damage young rice plants by trampling them while hunting, and their droppings can prevent the plants from growing properly.
Herons are also known to consume fish and juvenile fish from rivers and fish farms, making them a problem for the fishing industry as well.
Due to these issues, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Japan has designated herons as harmful birds.

Is there a legend about herons?
The white heron, a member of the heron family, is a famous symbol of Dogo Onsen in Ehime Prefecture.
According to the 'Yorokunigun Gourigenshuu' published during the Edo period, a single white heron suffering from a leg wound discovered the hot springs between rocks.
It bathed in the hot springs daily and fully healed, leading to the springs being named Dogo Onsen in honor of the heron that discovered them.

Do herons have spiritual significance?
Various legends suggest that white herons bring good relationships, bountiful marriages, and health improvements due to their association with Dogo Onsen.
Seeing a flying heron is considered a sign of incoming good fortune, and a group of herons is believed to bring messages of family prosperity and descendant prosperity.
It is also said that seeing a white heron can be a precursor to winning the lottery, enhancing one's financial luck.

What is the bird language of herons?
Bird language, which assigns meanings to different species of birds, varies among herons.
For example, the bird language for the Grey Heron is 'efficiency', while the Blue Heron represents 'youth'.
The Little Heron is associated with 'untainted beauty', and the Great Heron with 'elegance'.
These varied meanings reflect the diverse attributes and symbolisms associated with herons in different cultures.

Can herons swallow large fish? Is it true that herons can gulp down large carp?
Herons, with their long beaks, are known to swallow fish as large as their own body length.
Carp, which can grow to an average length of 60 cm and sometimes nearly 130 cm, are often swallowed whole by herons.
Carp are relatively slow-moving, making them easy targets. However, such an act must be distressing for the carp.
Herons have also been observed swallowing rays and other large marine animals whole.

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Heron Type of List

- Great Heron
- Medium Heron
- Little Heron
- Stork Heron
- Blue Heron
- Black Heron
- Black Stork Heron
- Magpie Heron
- Rain Heron
- Pond Heron
- Bill Heron
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Heron References

- Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/サギ
- 水のある場所ならどこでもいる!「サギ」 https://www.storiedigiocattoli.net/sagi/
- 【サギ(鷺)の撃退方法】アブなすぎる害獣図鑑!農家の敵とその対処法 https://agri.mynavi.jp/2018_10_24_45061/#:~:text=サギは日本の田んぼ,サギは存在しません。
- 白鷺のスピリチュアル10の意味とメッセージ!サイン・前兆を解説 https://lani.co.jp/75268
- 【366日】誕生鳥・鳥言葉の一覧表 https://monokotoba.com/bird
- Wikipedia https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/コイ
- アオサギ、コイを呑む https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj7QCinRMVY
Heron Introduction of media used









出典:https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Herons following a cultivator - panoramio.jpg




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