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Do you know a cat called LaPerm? It is still not very well known in Japan, and many of you may have heard the name for the first time. To explain briefly, it is a curly-haired cat that looks very similar to the Selkirk Rex, but there is also a photo book called “The World’s Most Beautiful Cats, LaPerm”, and some people are fascinated by its appearance. Why don’t we go and explore the attractive features and secrets of LaPerm right away?

LaPerm Basic Infomation

Country of origin America.

Weight male: 3-5.5kg female: 2.5-4.5kg.

It was one day in 1982. A cat kept by the Cole couple who lived in Oregon, USA, gave birth to six kittens. But when they looked closely, they found one kitten that had no hair. The couple was worried, but they were relieved when the hair grew as it grew up. And because the hair was curly, they named it “Curly” after its appearance. And this Curly is said to be the trigger for the birth of LaPerm.

And time passed, and Curly grew up and gave birth to kittens, but the five kittens that were born had no hair at first, and as they grew up, curly hair grew, inheriting the same genes as Curly when he was young.

Then, the rumor of the curly-haired cat spread rapidly and caught the attention of breeders. The Cole couple was not very interested in cat breeding or breeding activities at first, but with the encouragement of those around them, they decided to enter the curly-haired cat in a cat show. Then, the reputation of the curly-haired cat rose rapidly. The couple decided to develop a new breed based on Curly and his children, in cooperation with breeders.

In fact, before Curly was born, Cornish Rex and Devon Rex had already been discovered as curly-haired cats, but it was also found that Curly had no blood relationship with these cats and was a new curly-haired cat that mutated in a completely different place.

The breeders crossed this new curly-haired cat with Burmese and Ocicat to make it better and polished it. As a result, in 1997, a LaPerm enthusiast group was established, and in 2003 it was officially registered as a breed by “TICA”, and in 2008 by “CFA”.

LaPerm Q&A

Where does LaPerm get its name?

It was named LaPerm because of the Permanent, meaning that it looks like it has a perm.

What are the color variations of LaPerm?

Blue, black, white, red, cream, fawn, cinnamon, lavender, chocolate.

・Solid color. The whole body is monochrome, such as the face, body, legs and tail.

・Tabby. There are stripes or spots all over.

・Silver & Golden. Only the tips of the hair have color, and the base is white or light color.

・Smoke & Shaded. The tips of the overcoat have color for 1/2, and the remaining 1/2 is white.

・Parti-color. Two colors of hair are randomly mixed.

・Calico & Bi-color. 1/2 or 1/3 of the body is white and the rest is two or more colors.

・Tabby & White. 1/2 or 1/3 of the body is white and the rest is striped or spotted.

・Pointed. Some parts of the body, such as the head, ears, legs and tail, have color.

・Pointed & White. Some parts of the body have color and white is mixed.

Blue, yellow, gold, green, copper.

LaPerm has both short-haired and long-haired breeds.

What does LaPerm look like?

It has a wedge-shaped round head, large almond-shaped eyes, large ears that are wide apart, and a semi-foreign body type. It is slender overall, but has legs with moderate muscles, and can be said to be a well-balanced cat.

And what attracts attention is the fluffy curly coat. Some people fall in love at first sight with its cute appearance that looks like a fluffy blanket. This LaPerm’s curly hair is called “gypsy jag” and has three types:

・Guard. ・Awn. ・Down.

There are also individual differences, but LaPerm may have a period of thinning hair and increased sebum secretion. In that case, frequent care is necessary, so it is recommended to get used to shampooing and brushing while they are kittens.

However, if you brush too much, you may lose the important curl of the curly hair, so it is best to do the coat care while watching the situation little by little. For long-haired breeds, try brushing once a day, and for short-haired breeds, once every three days.

Is it true that LaPerm females lose their hair during mating?

It is true. But it does not mean that they become hairless every time they mate, but it is said to happen only when they become pregnant for the first time. Whether they become hairless or not seems to vary depending on the individual, but in any case, the mystery of this strange phenomenon has not been solved yet.

How much does it cost to buy LaPerm?

When keeping animals, you may need to follow the laws set by each country. This time, we will talk about keeping LaPerm at home in Japan. You will hardly see LaPerm at pet shops. Therefore, it is common to buy them from breeders or catteries. In that case, it will cost about 100,000 to 250,000 yen.

If you buy from a breeder or a cattery, you can ask questions such as “What kind of environment did they grow up in?” and “What kind of cats are their parents?”. Also, the trustworthiness varies depending on the personality of the breeder, so we recommend that you visit them after making a reservation.

Even if they are the same breeder, it is different in the case of a “cattery”, because they need to be certified by “CAF” or “TICA”, which are pedigree issuing organizations, so they can be said to be top breeders. Cats raised in such catteries tend to be more expensive than those purchased from general breeders.

By the way, here are some factors that cause the price to vary.

・Being a kitten. ・Having curly hair. ・Having excellent pedigree. ・Having rare colors or patterns.

There are other conditions, but especially if they meet the above conditions, they tend to be more expensive.

Learn more about LaPerm's personality and traits!

It has ancestors who were active as rat catchers and were also called “working cats”, and it still inherits that personality, so it is a very active cat. It also has a curious side, so it may be interested in various places and things, and sometimes it may go to dangerous places. To avoid danger, it may be necessary to take measures to prevent intrusion into places where you do not want them to enter.

It also loves exercise, so it will be happy if you prepare a cat tower or play with toys sometimes. It will bring back the toy that the owner threw, or chase after you from behind, and its loyalty is similar to that of a dog and cute. Sometimes it will ride on your shoulder or purr on your lap, and it also has a clingy side. It is basically friendly, so it can live with small children or other animals.

LaPerm is said to be a breed that is less likely to cause “cat allergies”. These cats are called “hypoallergenic cats”, and there are also other breeds such as “Devon Rex” and “Russian Blue” that are hypoallergenic cats. In the case of LaPerm, the coat is curly, so there is less hair loss, which is the cause of allergies, and as a result, it is less likely to cause allergies.

However, whether or not allergic symptoms occur depends on the individual, so we cannot say for sure that it is absolutely okay. It is more like “it is less likely to cause allergies than other cats”, so if you have symptoms of cat allergy, we recommend that you consult a doctor before keeping one.

※When keeping animals, you may need to follow the laws set by each country.」 Please translate this sentence into English.

What are the diseases that LaPerm is susceptible to?

Some of the diseases that LaPerm is prone to are “hairball disease”, “cat cold”, and “pyruvate kinase deficiency”.

Hairball disease is a disease that causes symptoms such as vomiting when the hair swallowed during grooming accumulates in the digestive organs such as the stomach and intestines. Normally, the swallowed hair is excreted with the feces if it is a small amount, but it becomes difficult to excrete if the amount of hair increases.

As a result, the hairballs that cannot be excreted can only be vomited out. Cats usually vomit hairballs once a month or every few months. This is a phenomenon seen in healthy cats, so you don’t have to worry too much, but if you observe that “the number of times you vomit hairballs has increased. Or the behavior of trying to vomit has increased.”, there is a possibility that you have hairball disease, so you should see a doctor.

Especially long-haired LaPerm needs to be careful because they swallow a lot of hair.

Also, hairball disease can be prevented by brushing by the owner. It also leads to important skinship, so please try to brush regularly. However, some cats may hate brushing, so in that case, it is better to do it little by little while watching the situation.

It causes symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, runny nose and eye discharge. It often occurs when infected with bacteria or viruses, and the possible situations that cause it are outdoor breeding, during cat walks, or after the owner touched another cat and did not wash their hands well and touched their cat without disinfecting the virus.

Especially LaPerm is said to be prone to cat colds, so be careful. Vaccination can prevent it to some extent, but it seems difficult to prevent infection 100%.

The specific symptoms are fatigue, loss of appetite, etc., and if it progresses, it often causes anemia in 2 to 3 months, and in mild cases, it may die without noticing the onset.

The cause is said to be the destruction of red blood cells due to the lack of an enzyme called “pyruvate kinase”. But the possibility of developing this disease is low, and not all LaPerms have pyruvate kinase deficiency.

However, no specific prevention method has been found yet, and bone marrow transplantation is one of the treatment methods, but it is a difficult treatment method to recommend considering the cost and the burden on the cat’s body.

What is the lifespan of LaPerm?

The lifespan of LaPerm is said to be 11 to 14 years. The average lifespan of a cat is 12 to 16 years, so it can be said to be slightly shorter. But if you take care of them from diseases and injuries, they have a good chance of living longer.

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LaPerm Type of List


Which cat embodies a certain elegance and beauty? That's right! The 'Abyssinian.' While it's not certain, there is a legend that the Abyssinian was one of the cats loved by Cleopatra, who is counted among the world's three great beauties. They may not be flashy, but they have a unique fur color that is absolutely beautiful! Why not delve into the secrets of the Abyssinian on this page right away?

American Curl
American Curl

This article introduces the American Curl, a cat breed with charming curled ears! It is also called “the Peter Pan of cats”. It is a rare breed that is not often seen in pet shops, so only a few people know about it. But we hope that this page will spark your interest in the American Curl!

American Shorthair
American Shorthair

The American Shorthair, known for its beautiful tabby patterns, is popular in Japan too! Even if you're not familiar with cats, you've likely heard the name. While many know of its popularity, details about its personality or history may be less familiar. So, let's dive into the charm of the cat often called 'Amesho' together!


Have you heard of Bengal cats? You may not have seen them in pet shops, so many people may be hearing their name for the first time. The most distinctive feature of Bengal cats is their rosette pattern on their body, which can be described as a leopard pattern. The Bengal cat, with its wild appearance, is one of the popular breeds among cat lovers! Let’s take a look at the personality and history of Bengal cats!


Do you know about the Birman cat? It sounds like a breed name that might appear in a manga, but there's no connection. However, there are fascinating legends associated with Birmans in their country of origin, Myanmar, that sound almost like they are straight out of a manga. This page introduces various characteristics of the Birman. Why not delve into its secrets with us?


Are you familiar with the Bombay cat, a breed not well known in Japan? At first glance, it might seem like just an ordinary black cat, but the origin story of the Bombay involves a significant contribution from one woman. What secrets lie in the history of the Bombay, and how did it get its name? Let's dive into the excitement and uncover these mysteries together!

British Shorthair
British Shorthair

Do you know the story of “Alice in Wonderland”? There is a character called the Cheshire Cat in it, and the British Shorthair is said to be the cat that became the model for it! It has become popular in Japan recently, so some of you may have heard the name! Let’s explore the cute secrets of the British Shorthair!


The cat café boom has been ignited, and cats are becoming more and more popular as pets these days! Cats are famous for their fickle and self-paced nature. I know it's popular, but I'm sure there are many things you don't know much about the original ecology of cats. Why don't you join us in exploring the secrets of cats filled with wonders?


f you were asked, "What are the characteristics of cows" ?What would you explain. Cows are very famous animals, and many people have seen them in ranches and zoos. However, when you think about it again, there are many things you may not know, such as what kind of cows there are and why they can grow so big by eating grass. Now let's take a sneak peek at some of the characteristics and secrets of cows that you may not be aware of!


Name a stylish cat? That's right, it's the Chartreux! However, many people may think, 'Chartreux? I've never heard of it. It's a cat that isn't very familiar in Japan, but in France, it's described as an interesting and cute cat that looks like a potato with toothpicks stuck in it. It is also called the "Blue Three" along with the Russian Blue and Korat. Would you like to take a look at the mysterious secrets and slightly sad history of Chartreux together?

Cornish Rex
Cornish Rex

Here’s a quiz for you: What animal is known for its slender limbs, small face, and is also called the “greyhound of cats”? The answer is the Cornish Rex! You may not have heard of it before since it’s not often seen in Japan. In addition to having a good style, it also has curly hair as a feature. There are many other secrets about the Cornish Rex hidden on this page. Why don’t you go and explore those secrets right away?

Devon Rex
Devon Rex

Are you looking for a cat breed that is not only cute but also unique? If so, the Devon Rex might be the perfect breed for you! In this article, we will introduce the Devon Rex, which has a slightly mysterious appearance. Although there are other breeds with unique appearances, the Devon Rex is one of them. Like the Selkirk Rex, it has curly hair, but unlike the Selkirk Rex, it is not very fluffy and has a more restrained volume. Although it is still not very well-known in Japan, this breed of cat has many secrets. Let’s explore those secrets right away!

Egyptian Mau
Egyptian Mau

The Egyptian Mau is a cat with the name of Egypt, featuring a wild beauty reminiscent of leopards and cheetahs. This breed has a long history, and it is said that few cat lovers in Japan are familiar with it. Would you like to explore the secrets of the Egyptian Mau with us?

Exotic Shorthair
Exotic Shorthair

Have you heard of the Exotic Shorthair cat? Even if the name doesn’t ring a bell, you might remember seeing its charming face somewhere! Recently, it has been active as a pet talent in TV commercials and other media! It is sometimes called “Ugly but cute cat” due to its unique facial features. Why don’t we explore the secrets of this Exotic Shorthair cat that is more than just Ugly but cute?


The Genetta is a small, short-legged cat with strikingly wild patterns reminiscent of a leopard (though occasionally, long-legged Genettas can also be found). Their mesmerizing, beautiful eyes are another popular charm of the Genetta. As a new breed that was only established in 2006, the Genetta is expected to gain more popularity in the future. This time, we introduce the Genetta, a small cat with exotic fur and beautiful eyes.


Hey, this animal looks like a raccoon! And it’s fluffy! No, no, that’s a Himalayan cat. By the way, there is also a Himalayan breed of rabbit, but it seems that the rabbit was discovered first. The Himalayan has a similar appearance to the Persian cat, but it has a unique and elegant atmosphere that sets it apart from the Persian. Would you like to take a peek at the little-known secrets of the Himalayan?

Iriomote Cat
Iriomote Cat

Do you know the iriomote cat, a rare wildcat that lives only on Iriomote Island in Okinawa Prefecture in Japan? The iriomote cat has a small population and is at risk of extinction, so it is designated as an endangered species and a special natural monument of Japan. In fact, the iriomote wildcat has only been discovered for about 50 years, and it is still an animal with many mysteries. Let's take a peek at what characteristics and secrets iriomote cats have in this article!

Japanese Bobtail
Japanese Bobtail

Do you know the cat that is said to be the model of the “beckoning cat”? Actually, the Japanese bobtail that I introduce on this page is said to be the model! Recently, Western cats tend to attract popularity, but why don’t we explore the birth secret story of the precious cat born in Japan?


Famous in Japan, the Russian Blue, the slightly plump Chartreux, and now we introduce the 'Korat'. These three types are collectively known as the 'Blue Cat Big Three'. The Korat has a long history of being cherished as a 'cat that brings good luck'. In addition to this, this page compiles many secrets about the Korat. Let's delve into them!

Kurilian Bobtail
Kurilian Bobtail

The Kurilian Bobtail is a cat with beautiful fur, a rabbit-like short tail, and notably short legs. While it has a calm demeanor and a refined appearance, it actually possesses an active side and is skilled at swimming. Let's introduce this cat with surprising traits.

Maine Coon
Maine Coon

Well, here’s a sudden question. What breed of cat is known as the “gentle giant” or the “world’s largest cat”? The answer is “Maine Coon”! It is often mistaken for “makein”, but makein is a type of potato. By the way, these two have nothing to do with each other. Maine Coon is one of the breeds that has become popular in Japan recently. Let’s take a look at the secrets of Maine Coon, which are filled with surprises, such as their unexpected personality and characteristics!


Speaking of cats with short tails, there is a breed called Japanese Bobtail. In fact, there is another breed called Manx, which also has a very short tail. However, it is almost impossible to see them in Japan, so many people may be hearing the name for the first time! What mysteries are hidden behind the birth of Manx? And what is the reason for their short tails? Let’s unravel their secrets right away!


Here’s a question for you: What do you call a cat that combines the best of Munchkin and Persian breeds and is rapidly gaining popularity? That’s right, it’s the Minuet! Some of you may be hearing this name for the first time. In fact, this cat is a relatively new breed that has only recently been registered. There is also an interesting history behind its name. Let me introduce you to the world of Minuets, which you may not have seen yet!


Munchkins are known for their cute cat punches and walking with their butts wiggling! One of the attractions is their unique appearance that other cats don’t have. You may not know much about them, such as why they have short legs. Whether you know a lot about Munchkins or not, why don’t we explore their secrets together?

Norwegian Forest Cat
Norwegian Forest Cat

Now, here’s a quiz. What is the name of the cat that is also called the “fairy living in the forest”? The correct answer is “Norwegian Forest Cat”! It’s becoming more and more popular in Japan these days, so some of you may have seen it before. Would you like to explore the hidden secrets of Norwegian Forest Cats, which are large cat breeds like Maine Coons and Siberians?


Wild in appearance, it looks like a wild cat. Since it is not often seen in Japan, few people may know its name. This time, we will introduce you to the “Ocicat”! The Ocicat, which gives the impression of living in a grassy field or forest, actually has a surprising personality and secrets. Let’s take a closer look at the detailed ecology of the Ocicat right away!

Oriental Shorthair
Oriental Shorthair

While round and fluffy cats are lovely, how about a cat with a slender body and stylish look? Introducing the 'Oriental Shorthair'. Its appearance is akin to a model in the cat world! This breed is gradually gaining recognition, but there is still much to discover about it. Let's delve into the various mysteries of the Oriental Shorthair!


Manga, anime, etc… What cat do you think of when you imagine a pet that is kept in a rich family’s house? That’s right, it’s Persian! Persian, which often appears in cat food commercials, has a strong image of being an elegant cat, doesn’t it? Why don’t we explore together the surprising personality of Persian and the reason why it is actually called ‘the king of cats’?


This page introduces the 'Ragamuffin' cat. As a relatively new cat breed, you might not see it often at home. The first impression is that of a fluffy, soft-looking cat, which is significantly related to the Ragdoll. Would you like to sneak a peek into the secrets of the Ragamuffin and its connection to the Ragdoll?


When you think of a cat with fluffy fur and a fluffy tail… That’s right! It’s a ragdoll! The cat has a soft-looking body and beautiful blue eyes that are very cute. How about exploring some surprising history and secrets of the name of such a ragdoll?

Russian Blue
Russian Blue

With its luxurious fur and slender, graceful body, the Russian Blue cat is a breed that you may have heard of before. It is one of the most popular breeds that you can find in pet shops. At first glance, it seems to have a calm and cool demeanor that can handle anything, but the Russian Blue cat actually has… a surprising personality hidden behind its appearance!


When you think of wild-looking cats, you might think of Bengals, Toygers, and Ocicats. Today, let's introduce the 'Savannah' cat! The name itself evokes an image of a wild-looking cat, though it's rarely seen in Japan, and many may have never heard of it before. Why not secretly delve into the secrets of the Savannah cat?

Scottish Fold
Scottish Fold

Scottish Fold is a breed of cat that has been dominating the rankings of cats people want to live with in recent years! They are famous for their cute round faces and folded ears. However, Scottish Folds are not only cute but also have various difficult aspects. If you see them next time, I would be happy if you could observe them with reference to this page!

Selkirk Rex
Selkirk Rex

Also known as the “cat in sheep’s clothing,” the Selkirk Rex is a cat with curly hair like a toy poodle. It has recently gained attention from people who want a cat that doesn’t look like everyone else’s. While there are other cats with curly hair, such as the Cornish Rex and Devon Rex, the Selkirk Rex is the most voluminous of all curly-haired cats. Let’s take a look at the secrets of this somewhat mysterious Selkirk Rex!


Have you ever seen a "Siamese cat"? Actually, this cat is known as the "Siamese" breed worldwide. Interestingly, only Japan calls it the "Sham cat". On this page, I will introduce the Siamese breed, which was once popular in Japan. However, there are still many things that are not well known about their history and personality. Let’s explore the secrets of the Siamese cat!


Siberians are a breed with a voluminous and fluffy coat that is their charm point! Many people may not have heard of Siberians before. It is certainly one of the breeds that is not often seen in pet shops, but I would be happy if this page could help people learn about the cuteness of Siberians!


Singapura is a breed of cat that is not often seen in Japan, so it may be known only to those who know it. What is particularly characteristic of this breed is its small size! It is sometimes called a “little fairy” because of its appearance. But there are many secrets hidden in its small body. Would you like to take a look at the story of how Singapura was born?


Speaking of cats with beautiful fur colors and fluffy tails, it’s the Somali! It is also a popular cat that is known to many people. However, it seems that in the history of Somali’s birth, it was sometimes thought of as a “failure.” At first, the Somali was not very well-regarded, but it became popular after a small incident. Would you like to unravel the secrets of the Somali?


Have you heard of the Sphinx cat? Whether you’ve heard the name before or not, you might be surprised by its striking appearance! You might even hear someone say, “What! Is it really a cat?” The Sphinx cat’s appearance is likely to be a love-it-or-hate-it situation, but it’s a breed that some people can’t resist. So what are the hidden charms of the Sphinx cat? Let’s introduce them right away!


Do you know about the cat called 'Tonkinese'? Compared to more mainstream breeds, it might be a bit unusual in Japan. It looks somewhat similar to the Siamese, but actually, there lies the secret of the Tonkinese. What exactly is this secret? Let's delve into the world of the Tonkinese right away!


「Toyger??」 It is one of the breeds that cat lovers may not be familiar with, so many people may not have heard or seen it. That’s because Toyger is a new breed that was recently born, so it is still a rare cat with low name recognition in Japan! However, its appearance, which looks just like a tiger, is very impressive and unforgettable. Why don’t you explore the secrets of the little-known Toyger?

Turkish Angora
Turkish Angora

"Turkish Angora” is a breed of cat that is known for its beautiful fur and elegant appearance. Its appearance exudes an atmosphere that seems to belong to a wealthy household. However, it is rare to see them in pet shops, so many people may not have heard of them before. Although the Turkish Angora is not a well-known breed, its history is very ancient and there are many secrets hidden within it. Let’s explore the world of the Turkish Angora right away!

Turkish Van
Turkish Van

Many people associate cats with being afraid of water. However, did you know that there are cats that are good at swimming? That’s the Turkish Van! It is rare to see them in Japan, so if you find one at a breeder’s or an acquaintance’s house, you can consider yourself very lucky. The history of the Turkish Van is interesting and full of mysteries. Let’s explore its secrets together!



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