Category: Starts with \”da,di,du,de,do\” in Japanese

Devon Rex

Are you looking for a cat breed that is not only cute but also unique? If so, the Devon Rex might be the perfect breed for you! In this article, we will introduce the Devon Rex, which has a slightly mysterious appearance.
Although there are other breeds with unique appearances, the Devon Rex is one of them. Like the Selkirk Rex, it has curly hair, but unlike the Selkirk Rex, it is not very fluffy and has a more restrained volume.
Although it is still not very well-known in Japan, this breed of cat has many secrets. Let’s explore those secrets right away!

Dwarf Hotot

Dwarf Hotot is a rabbit with exotic eyeliner around its eyes and a dignified appearance!
You hardly see them in pet shops, so many people must have been surprised to see such a rabbit!
Why don’t you take a peek at the secrets of this slightly rare dwarf hotot?


When asked about ostriches, what do you imagine?
Many people would think of a bird that runs very fast!
Of course, that is the most characteristic and famous feature of ostriches.
However, this page also has other interesting aspects of ostriches!
Why don’t you explore the mysterious world of ostriches?


Do you know a wild canine called a dhole, which has reddish-brown fur and is about the size of a medium-sized dog?
Since they are bred only in a few zoos, many people may have heard the name for the first time.
Dholes are also animals that are worried that they will become extinct, even though there are still many things we don’t know.
Let’s take a look at what features and secrets dholes have in this article!